Chapter 915
Now she should obviously express regret, regretting why she didn't stop Yan Bai from revealing her identity back then, and if she stopped, Yan Bai would definitely listen.

"I never know how to write the word regret. I, Qian Yuxi, have never done anything to regret, even if Yan Bai's identity was exposed." Since it's okay, Xiao Xi'er doesn't mind Say a few more words with Yuegui.

"Don't you think you're too selfish? What if the young master is really injured this time, or killed by the enemy!"

Yue Gui still couldn't figure out why Asahi Nozomi could let the young master take such a big risk, obviously if he was Asayu Nozomi, he would definitely stop him.In fact, Asagi Nozomi didn't love the young master that much.

"Don't you think you're too lenient? Don't forget your own responsibilities." As a woman, Xiao Xi'er probably already guessed Yue Gui's thoughts towards Yan Bai.

In the past, maybe Yue Gui thought it was because of his loyalty to Yan Bai, but now it seems that Yue Gui has fallen in love with Yan Bai.In fact, there is nothing surprising about this, Yan Bai is so good-looking, most people will like it.

"I will never forget my responsibilities, and I will not hesitate to go through fire and water for the young master. Asahi Yuki, I just want to tell you that you are the happiest woman in the world, and you have the best man in the world doting on you, so Please don't let the young master take risks for you again..."

Yue Gui often thinks, how wonderful it would be if there was no Nozomi Asaba in this world.The young master will not come to China, the young master will not fall in love with other women, then the only person who can be with the young master in the end is himself...

She doesn't need the young master's love, nor the young master's concern, as long as she can be with the young master.

"You must be hating me in your heart now, wishing that I would disappear, right?" Xiao Xi'er suddenly moved closer to Yue Gui: "Actually, you don't care about the danger of Yan Bai's identity being exposed at all, you know it in your heart. Even if there are Qianjun Wanma, they are still no match for Yan Bai, Yan Bai has the strength to keep himself safe, no one can take his life. You are just dissatisfied and jealous of me, because Yan Bai will never do this for you."

"What nonsense are you talking about! How could I think so!" Yue Gui quickly retorted.

I am definitely not such a selfish person, Nozomi Asaba is just speculating wildly!
"Whether I'm talking nonsense or not, only you know in your heart. Perhaps at the beginning, you were really worried about Yan Bai's safety. But your identity has been exposed for so many days, and you are still obsessed with this matter, not Think about how you should deal with this situation in the future. Occasionally listen to the truest voice in your heart, you are jealous. I will go to Baibai, and I will not waste time with you here, goodbye!"

After Xiao Xi'er left, Yue Gui fell to the ground and took a deep breath of air.

I... Is it really because I am jealous of Nozomi Asaba?

Yan Bai was not injured, not even a scratch.It is said that there were six people who came, and Jian Jian cleaned them all up alone, and one of them was a sniper who wanted to shoot Yan Bai to death.

But Yan Bai has the invisible shield given by Xingze, and the sniper's gun has no effect on Yan Bai.

Those few people were dead and useless, there was no one who could threaten Yan Bai.

(End of this chapter)

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