Chapter 918
"Hey, do you know who the hostage you are holding now is?" Xiao Xi'er felt helpless.

This guy wants to seek revenge and finds himself as a hostage?Is this revenge if you don't want to live?
"I, I know you are Qian Yuxi, but don't worry, I just take you as a hostage and I will not hurt you. The person I want to seek revenge is only Yan Bai." Even if he came here with the determination to die Looking for Yan Bai.

But even so, he didn't want to offend Qian Shi.As long as Yan Bai can obey obediently, he will definitely go to Qian's door to apologize in person.

"Don't hurt me? You look down yourself. My mother's neck is bleeding from you. If you have the ability, give me a little more force. Just cut my neck with a knife."

Since it was the first time to seek revenge, the hand holding the knife could not control the strength at all.He didn't expect to really scratch Asahi Nozomi at all, and when he looked down, he saw the faint blood on Asayuki's neck.

Startled, he quickly let go of the knife.

Just taking this opportunity, Xiao Xi'er fell over her shoulder, directly throwing the person to the ground, and the knife in her hand flew a few meters away, landing at the corner of the box.

"You dare to threaten me even if you don't look at how heavy you are? Do you think I'm easy to deal with?" Xiao Xi'er rubbed her fist and stepped on the man's shoulder.

Jian Jian at the side couldn't help flattering: "Young Mistress is very skilled!"

"Xie'er, how are you? Simple, give me the cream." Looking at the bloodstain on Xiao Xi'er's neck, Yan Bai felt extremely distressed.

"It's okay, it's just a small wound." This wound will scab over after a while.It takes two days to heal.

"Young Mistress is really brave!" She used to admire Asahi Nozomi very much, she was arrogant enough when she was arrogant, and also very arrogant when she was domineering.Sometimes it's so handsome, and just now, it's so cool!

"What should I do with this guy?" Xiao Xi'er knelt down and asked, pointing at the person who took her hostage just now.

"Surnamed Yan, you will die badly, and your whole family will die badly. You are the scum of society, bastards who do everything for money, insane, and inhumane. I can't kill you today. One day there will be someone else. Come to kill you, let you die, scum, go to death! I curse you to go to the eighteenth floor of hell as soon as possible!"

Knowing that there was no possibility of a comeback, the man yelled at Yan Bai.

"Break off sons and grandchildren? Are you cursing me?" Xiao Xi'er smiled and took the dagger from Jian Jian's hand, then directly inserted it into the man's arm and nailed it to the floor.


The arm was pierced, and the man screamed frantically.But the vicious words on his lips didn't stop at all.

"When is the time for retribution? If you don't want me to come." Xiao Xi'er quickly drew out the knife and stabbed the man's throat directly.

For this kind of person who comes to seek revenge, either he dies, or I die, and people do not kill themselves.Maybe they were indeed victims in the past, but it was all owed by Yan Feiai and people in previous lives, and had nothing to do with Yan Bai.

Now that they are not wronged, they have a debtor and a debtor, but they want to pay off their father's debt, so it is no wonder they are.Since he has already committed murder to Yan Bai, then don't live.

The man was killed with a knife, only to see his eyes rolled twice, his mouth grew big, and he lost his life in less than a few seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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