Chapter 920 Blocked back
"Surnamed Yan, we are here to take your life today! In order to find you, we have spent more than ten years and still found nothing. Now that you have revealed your identity, don't blame us for being rude!" I saw a man jumping out suddenly, only two or three meters away from Yan Bai.

He held a pistol in his hand, just like a pirate in the [-]th century, and there was a scar on his face. He looked very arrogant, as if he could kill Yan Bai in the next second.

With Xingze's invisible shield, it's like wearing ten pieces of body armor, and the pistol can be completely invisible.

Not long after, more than a dozen people surrounded them, they were in the dark just now, and now they are in the light, surrounding Yan Bai and the three of them.

"Yan Bai, you are not afraid, you will definitely die today!" Another voice sounded from another place.

"It seems that this group of people came prepared, and everyone is holding a pistol. If there is no Xingzawa's invisible shield, maybe it is really difficult to deal with. Xingzawa's guy is still somewhat useful. "Xiao Xier chuckled lightly.

Since Xingze was willing to give Yan Bai a shield, naturally he would not forget Xiao Xi'er.Xiao Xi'er was given a set of equipment a long time ago, Xing Ze cared more about Xiao Xi'er than Yan Bai's safety.

"I'm going, you both have that thing, what should I do? If I accidentally get shot, I'm going to die." He has seen the power of the invisible shield that his young master wears before. .

I didn't expect Qian Yuxi to have it too, so isn't he the most dangerous person among these three people?

If he had known that Yan Bai told him to go back earlier, he would have gone back first.

"Miss Qian's family, I advise you to leave. We don't intend to make things difficult for you. You are the young lady of Qian's family. We don't want to offend Mrs. Qian." The person who rushed forward just now said.

They don't know what the invisible shield is, and they don't bother with it.I only know that Nozomi Asaba is now on their side, so it's a little troublesome.

"I'm sorry, Yan Bai is my boyfriend and will be my husband in the future. If you want to touch my man, you have to pass me first!" Not to mention that Xiao Xi'er is not afraid of the group in front of her, even if the group of people in front of her People really have the ability to reach the sky, but as long as they are with Yan Bai, there is no need to worry about any difficulties and obstacles.

"If that's the case, then Miss Qian, don't blame us for being rude!" Anyway, killing Yan Bai is a narrow escape.

If Yan Bai was really killed, the 'Tian Luo Di Net' and the 'Assassination Team' would probably not be reconciled.Then it doesn't matter to offend another shallow family.

They are not afraid of death, but their feud must be avenged!
The man raised the gun, opened the safety, and shot directly at Yan Bai's heart.

If you have a shield, you don't need to hide at all.A huge shield like transparent glass suddenly appeared, and bounced back the fired bullet.

"Why, how could it be like this..." The man looked at Yan Bai in disbelief, the bullet he fired just now... unexpectedly bounced back? !

"What just happened?"

"Okay, it seems to be a huge piece of glass, in the shape of a shield, which blocked the bullets."

The rest of the people around were also puzzled.

But after wiping his eyes, there was nothing around Yan Bai at all.Where did such a large piece of glass-like barrier come from?

(End of this chapter)

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