There are too many routines for paranoid male gods

Chapter 447 Do You Think I'm Suddenly Radiant?

Chapter 447 Do You Think I'm Suddenly Radiant?
"What is that! What is it for!!?"

"You seem to be looking forward to it?" Mo Nianchen looked at her with raised eyebrows.

She bit her lip, "I'm not looking forward to it!"

"It's something that makes you comfortable."

" bastard!!" She was about to kick him.

He held it lightly, "You're still so restless after being hurt!"

She became angry from embarrassment, "That's better than being fucked by you!"

"Which one?"

"You know what to ask!"

"I really don't know, that's why I asked."


Mo Nianchen opened the bottle cap and poured the liquid onto her ankle. She felt a coolness, and the pain of the sprain was relieved.

Without any explanation, he pinched her injured foot and began to massage it.

Mo Nianchen said lightly: "This is the Dieda wine I brought from Ryan. It is said that it is the most effective for sprains, and it will heal within a few times."

Li Shengxia said awkwardly, "So, this is Dieda wine?"


"Then why are you talking so ambiguously!"

"What's ambiguous? It's your own ambiguous thinking!"

Li Shengxia just felt ashamed, "You said you came to 'thank you' for helping me this morning."

He said lightly, "Didn't you say that my face is full of helpfulness and kindness?"


"The thank you I want is to help you with the medicine. How about it? Do you feel that I suddenly become radiant?"

She seems to have short-circuited her head suddenly, and she doesn't quite understand what kind of thank you this is!
However, for some reason, a strange ripple suddenly splashed in her heart...

"..." Li Shengxia pulled the corners of her lips in embarrassment, lowered her head, and said to him, "Thank you."

"Did I hear you right? You actually said thank you to me."


Just at this time……

Situ Ye suddenly appeared at Li Shengxia's door, holding the potion for sprains in his hand, just in time to see Mo Nianchen rubbing Li Shengxia's ankle, he was stunned for a moment.

He paused for a moment, turned around, and walked outside...

Situ Ye was sitting in the garden in a daze. The weather was getting colder day by day. Snowflakes suddenly fell in the sky of City A. The white snowflakes fell profusely, as if they were dancing a beautiful waltz.

Before, he went to check Li Shengxia's past affairs, knew about her marriage with Mo Nianchen, and guessed that her two children might be Mo Nianchen's.

He thought, as long as she doesn't want to go back to the past with Mo Nianchen, then he will always have a chance to lead her to the future.

However, just now, he understood very well that for some things, no matter how hard he tried, he might not necessarily be rewarded.

If, they really still love each other... Is it time for him to leave?
It's just that meeting such a girl after so much difficulty made his heart skip a beat, and he didn't feel like running away.

He always wanted to walk towards her, slowly walk over, walk over, slowly approach her, and walk into her heart.

He wants to share happy things with her, and wants to interpret the flashy life with her.Life is like a dream, and the prosperity may be just a moment.He is the leading actor in her play, but he also knows that outside the play, he is just a supporting actor.

He thought of the script of "You Are What Love Looks Like", her performance in the play, and thought that that was the only moment he could have her.It's so beautiful, he doesn't want to break free...

He thought of the second male lead in the play, and Yin Tuoyu, who kept chasing the girl's footsteps, but never got into her heart.

That day, he spent all his savings to buy a necklace for her, and she returned it to him untouched on the grounds that another boy would be unhappy.

At that time, Yin Tuoyu told him that he liked her, but she took it as a joke and refused to believe it.He was so sad that he wanted to kiss her forcefully, the necklace broke, and he came back to apologize to her, but she pushed him away and ran away in a trance.

He pedaled his bicycle desperately to chase the bus she made, and he knocked on the window door desperately, but she only left one sentence, I don't want to see you again.

On the lonely long street, he stopped his running bicycle and stared blankly at the spot, watching her get farther and farther away from him.

He wrote a long letter of apology and stuffed it into her drawer, telling her that he was waiting for her in the school corridor, but she never showed up.When he returned to the classroom, he saw the letter of apology, torn to pieces and thrown in the trash can.It was as if his heart had been torn into pieces.Together with the last bit of hope in his heart, he was blown away by the wind.

Until graduation, I didn't speak a word to her again, but on the day of taking graduation photos, I chose to stand behind her.

That was the closest he could get to her.

He went abroad to study.He would often send photos of his travels to her mailbox, and he finally received her first reply after half a year.He was ecstatic, and then he always sent her many small gifts across the ocean, all of which were worthless, but there were many, many, many.Because he wanted to buy her a lot of gifts, but he was afraid that the too expensive gifts would be rejected by her in the end.Just like the broken necklace back then.

He was so careful, sometimes he thought that as long as he didn't lose her news, he could do anything, but sometimes he didn't want to stop there.

He has been careful to maintain a boundary.Until that day, he called her all night but didn't answer.He was restless and got on a plane that day to go to her school to find her.

As a result, she didn't come back all night.

When she finally came back, he learned that she was already with Cheng Jingxi.

After all, he still lost her. If he once thought that his appearance could change anything, then now he must feel that the only thing that can be changed is him.He finally understood that no matter how much he waited, it was just an endless wait.

He could only simply smile and say that he just passed by here by chance and came to see her.

She would actually believe it.

That day, he was absent-minded, but forced a smile on his face.She said every word about her and another boy.

She didn't know how dazzling her happiness was, but he chose to bless her after all.

He saw a blood donation car on the way, so he went to donate blood. At the beginning, he was still thinking about taking out some blood that was still madly in love, so that there would be fewer Tuo Yu like this, and he would love Pinellia less. , and then the new blood will no longer love her, and after a while, some more will be pumped out... Repeatedly, the self who loves her will become less and less, and one day those feelings will be replaced by fresh blood, Diluted to almost non-existent, then he can be himself again.

He said to himself, don't pay attention to the bitterness and frustration behind that smile, don't pay attention to the shadow and sadness hidden behind that splendor.

In short, being able to have a gorgeous illusion with such a her is in itself an unbelievably beautiful luck.

That was the day...

He finally decided to hand her over to another person and withdraw from her world, but that person never came.

(End of this chapter)

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