Chapter 1001 A Family Reunion 2
Na Lanyan looked at Si Kou Yu in shock when she heard what he said, "Our daughter? You mean Congcong? You, do you know Congcong? Where is she? Where is she now?"

Si Kou Yu smiled and nodded.

He reached out and held her hand, looked at her tenderly and said, "Yan'er, don't get excited, Congcong is fine now, I can contact her right away, and you will see her in a while, I will talk to her first Can you tell me what happened over the years?"

From escaping from the ghost world, to being followed by Yang Hao, to the old ancestral hall, and then back to the fairy mountain, they never stopped to talk about things.

Now that he was back in Xianshan, Si Kou Yu wanted to tell her what had happened in these years first, so that she could be mentally prepared.

Then, he contacted Yao'er and asked Yao'er's family to return to Xianshan to reunite with them.

Nalanyan nodded eagerly, "Okay! Tell me quickly! I'm listening!"

In Nalanyan's memory, Congcong was still the same as Congcong when she was a child, but she has no idea what Shen Qingcong will look like when she grows up.

She really wanted to know, where is her little Scallion now?How is she doing now?Did she suffer?Are you tired?Ever thought about her?

She really misses her baby girl so much!
Si Kou Yu sighed softly, and told how Shen Qingcong lived these years after her death, how she married Xiao Chifeng, how she met him, and how she changed her name to Si Kou Yao, one by one. Lan Yan said it again.

Nalanyan wiped her tears while listening...

After listening to everything Si Kou Yu said, she cried even more: "It's all my fault! I killed our daughter! I gave birth to her, but left her and left. I'm sorry She! I'm sorry for her!!!"

Seeing her crying heartbroken and heartbroken, Si Kou Yu hugged her into his arms distressedly, "Yan'er, it's not your fault! If you make a mistake, it's also my fault! I found you back then, if It’s not that I’m self-righteous, if I ask you everything, there won’t be anything that happens later, our family won’t have so many ups and downs, and we won’t be separated for so long, if you want to blame it, blame me !"

Nalan Yan shook her head, "No! I don't blame you! It's me! I was overthinking things and thinking too much. If I could face reality calmly, face you calmly, and accept you, I wouldn't have What happened later, all of this was caused by me! I don’t blame you, I really don’t blame you!”

Seeing that both of them were vying for self-reflection and confession, Si Kouyu couldn't help being a little funny, "Okay, okay, let's stop blaming each other. If we want to blame, let's blame fate! Now everything is over. Now, we can be reunited as a family now, which is better than anything else, don't you think?"

Nalanyan nodded with tears in her eyes...

Si Kouyu gently wiped away her tears, coaxed her and said, "Okay, don't cry, wipe your face quickly, I will send a message to Yao'er right now, if she sees you crying later, she will definitely be sad... ..."

Si Kou Yao, who was taking care of her precious daughter at home, immediately picked up Si Kou Yu's holographic message.

Seeing Si Kou Yu's handsome and unparalleled figure appearing in the transparent light curtain, and seeing the fairy mountain behind Si Kou Yu in the background, Si Kou Yao immediately cheered in surprise, "Daddy, are you back?"

Si Kou Yu smiled softly, "Yes! Dad is back, are you happy?"

(End of this chapter)

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