Chapter 1003 A Family Reunion 4
Mu Tingyu stood up, and asked Si Kouyu, "Master, does my sister know that you and my wife are back?"

Si Kou Yu nodded with a smile, "Got it, I've already sent her a summons, and she said she'll be back right away."

Mu Tingyu grinned happily, "That's good, that's good, Master, Madam, please come inside and serve tea!"

Si Kou Yu responded with a smile, "Okay! Yan'er, let's go in and sit down!"

Mu Tingyu asked his wife Tang Tiantian to come out to meet Si Kou Yu and Na Lanyan, and then the couple accompanied Si Kou Yu and Na Lanyan to talk.

They were sitting in the lobby, and they hadn't finished drinking a cup of spiritual tea when they heard Si Kou Yao's voice from outside, "Father, mother..."

Si Kou Yu and Nalan Yan stood up immediately.

Nalan Yan opened her arms excitedly towards Si Kou Yao, who was running towards them, "Scallion, Scallion, my little Scallion..."

"mom, Mom, Mom……"

The long-lost mother and daughter hugged each other tightly, crying with excitement, tears streaming down their faces.

Si Kouyu, Mu Tingyu, and Tang Tiantian stood watching from the sidelines, their eyes were red, and they were so sad that they almost shed tears.

After the mother and daughter finished crying, they let go of each other and looked at each other carefully.

Nalanyan looked at Si Kouyao with a look of relief, stretched out her hand to caress her face, and said with a sob, "Cong Cong, mother sees that you look so good now and live a good life, I finally feel relieved."

Si Kouyao grabbed Nalan Yan's hand that was stroking her, and laughed and cried with joy, "Mom, I'm doing very well now, how about you? How have you been doing all these years?"

Nalan Yan smiled, "I'm doing fine too!"

Even if life is not good, she will not tell her daughter, lest the child worry about her, feel sad for her, and feel sad for her.

Everything in the past, just let it go!
Now that their family is reunited, they can start a new life happily.

Si Kouyao also knew that Nalanyan must have kept something from her, but since her mother refused to tell her, it must be because she was afraid that she would think too much and worry, so she didn't ask any more questions.

Si Kouyao brought Xiao Chifeng and the five children out of the space again.

"Mom, take a quick look. This handsome and unrestrained guy is your son-in-law. His name is Xiao Chifeng, and he is now the president of the Huatian Empire."

Nalanyan looked at Xiao Chifeng in surprise, "Achi, it's really you! Thank you for helping me take care of Congcong for so many years..."

Xiao Chifeng bowed to Nalanyan, and called softly, "You're welcome, Mom, this is what I should do!"

Back then, when Nalanyan married Shen Daqiang, Xiao Chifeng also went to Shen's house, ate at Nalanyan's cooking, and called her sister-in-law.

He would never have imagined that the sister-in-law he called would one day become his mother-in-law.

Is this the so-called fate?

Perhaps, his wife was destined to belong to him early in the morning!

Si Kouyao introduced the four big babies and the little fan group to Na Lanyan, "Mom, these four children are quadruplets, and they are over 8 years old. This is the eldest, named Xiao Qingzhou; this is the second child." , called Xiao Qingguo; this is the third child, Xiao Qingxing; this is the fourth child, Xiao Qingchen. You four, call grandma..."

The four big babies shouted obediently together, "Grandma..."

Nalan Yan looked at the four handsome and unparalleled children in front of her, and she was so excited that she wiped her tears again, "Well, well, they are all good children, grandma just came back today, and she hasn't prepared anything yet, I'll give you a gift tomorrow! "

 PS: Four chapters in a row~
(End of this chapter)

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