Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1005 The Immortal Emperor's Poisonous Plan

Chapter 1005 The Immortal Emperor's Poisonous Plan

Si Kou Yao sighed softly: Where can I find a man as good as her father?

Her old lady really picked up a treasure!
Of course, her mother-in-law is definitely not bad either.

Otherwise, her father wouldn't have been infatuated and never regretted for so many years.

Seeing their husband and wife sitting side by side, they are really handsome and beautiful, which makes her feel pleasing to the eyes and happy to see.

Seeing that her parents were present, her husband and son were also present, Si Kouyao really felt that her life was complete.

When Si Kouyao's family reunited happily, on the other side of the ghost world, Zhao Wenhe, the Western ghost emperor, finally discovered that Bao Ao and Na Lanyan had disappeared at the same time.

A ghost messenger came to report, "Report to the Emperor, someone saw Bao Ao leaving with Miss Nalan."

"What did you say? It was Bao Ao who took Nalan girl away? No! I don't believe it! It is absolutely impossible for Bao Ao to betray me! Check it out, I will check it for you!!!"

Zhao Wenhe was furious, and under anger, he ordered to wipe out all the little devils on duty that day.

"Bao Ao? Nalan Yan? If you were the ones who escaped together, I swear, I will beat you to ashes, so that I can relieve my hatred!!!"

Poor Bao Ao, at this time, is still being frozen in the storage ring as an object by Si Kou Yu, it is not known whether he will be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Just as the western ghost emperor Zhao Wenhe was furious, Yang Hao, who was sent by the immortal emperor to investigate, also arrived.

After checking all the way like this, Yang Hao connected all the clues together, and finally proved a fact that this Feiyu Shangxian was pretended by Si Kouyu.

Si Kou Yu is really alive! ! !

This cruel fact made the Immortal Emperor so angry that he almost fainted.

Thinking of his beloved daughter and beloved wife who died because of Si Kou Yu, the Immortal Emperor wished to wipe out Si Kou Yu's family immediately.

However, with the warning from the ancestor, the Immortal Emperor did not dare to do it himself.

He conceived a poisonous plan and asked Yang Hao to deliberately pass the news that Si Kou Yu pretended to be Bao Ao, took away Na Lanyan, and was in the human world to Zhao Wenhe, the Western Ghost Emperor.

The Immortal Emperor wanted to use the hands of Zhao Wen and the Merry Ghost Emperor to destroy Si Kou Yu in one fell swoop, and then let the Merry Ghost Emperor kill Nalanyan and Si Kouyao, a mother and daughter!

The Merry Ghost Emperor Zhao Wenhe also felt that his authority had been challenged unprecedentedly, so he immediately decided to kill Shangyang Realm, bring Nalan Yan back, and then kill Si Kou Yu who was pretending to be Bao Ao.

The Immortal Emperor's move to kill people with a knife is simply not too skillful.

Zhao Wenhe didn't notice the trick of the Immortal Emperor at all, so he rushed straight to the Yang Realm and found Si Kou Dian.

But when Zhao Wenhe saw Si Kouyao, who was even more beautiful than Nalanyan, and even more immortal, the romantic ghost emperor was shocked instantly and vowed to take her as his own.

At this moment, Nalanyan had already been left behind by Ghost Emperor Zhao Wenhe.

Now he only wants to get Si Kou Yao!
Zhao Wenhe, the ghost emperor, has deep thoughts, cunning methods, foresight in doing things, can endure loneliness, and is not afraid of the sky and the earth, so even the king of hell is unwilling to provoke him, and he will give up a little when he sees him.

The cultivation base of Zhao Wenhe, the ghost emperor, should be somewhat stronger than Da Luo Jinxian.

This was also the main reason why Si Kou Yu, who had only recovered his cultivation as a true immortal, was unwilling to confront him head-on, and did not dare to rob him directly on the spot, but chose to take Nalanyan away with a detour.

(End of this chapter)

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