Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 101 They were Conquered by Dali Fruit

Chapter 101 They were Conquered by Dali Fruit

Yan Ting's appetite was held high by Shen Qingcong, seeing him waiting for a while, Shen Qingcong just looked at him with a smile, but didn't say anything later, Yan Ting thought for a while before regaining his composure.

This sister-in-law wants him to express his opinion!

Yan Ting immediately said to Shen Qingcong, "Sister-in-law, as long as you can give me something good to tempt me, you can do whatever you want, even if you want me to promise you with your body, it's not a problem!"

Before Shen Qingcong said anything, Xiao Chifeng was already jealous when he heard the last sentence he said, he picked up the cup on the table and smashed it on him, "Get away from me, you have a good idea, Are you looking for death?"

Yan Ting quickly raised his hand as a sign of surrender, and smiled at Xiao Chifeng, "Boss, I'm just joking! What I mean is, as long as my sister-in-law has something good for me, even if I want to give it to my sister-in-law You can sacrifice your life!"

Xiao Chifeng squinted at him, "You mean... If your sister-in-law doesn't have any good things, you won't give her your life?"

Yan Ting was so blocked by Xiao Chifeng's words that his face collapsed. Seeing what he said, Xiao Chifeng wanted to distort his meaning, so he hurriedly begged Xiao Chifeng for mercy, "Oh, my boss, my good boss, yes I said something wrong, I shouldn't be making fun of my sister-in-law, please forgive me! Please forgive me!"

Xiao Chifeng's eyes showed a fierce light, like a beast protecting food, he snorted coldly at him, "Don't be an example! Otherwise, I will send you to Africa to mine directly!"

Yan Ting felt that he was about to be frozen to death by the coldness in Xiao Chifeng's eyes, how could he dare to joke anymore, so he nodded quickly, "Yes yes yes, I don't dare anymore! Never dare again!"

But he was slandering in his heart, this boss takes his sister-in-law too seriously, he can't even make a joke, it seems that a certain person will become a wife slave in the future, and will be eaten by his sister-in-law!
Shen Qingcong smiled and leaned on Xiao Chifeng's body, watching them talking and laughing happily there, a warm feeling rose in her heart.

She could see that the relationship between the two of them was really good, better than some brothers.

She believed that as long as Xiao Chifeng said a word, Yan Ting could really die for them!

After Yan Ting was warned by Xiao Chifeng, he didn't dare to joke with Shen Qingcong anymore, so he said to her seriously, "Sister-in-law, if you have any treasures, just take them out quickly, you have whetted my appetite. I'm dying of anxiety!"

Shen Qingcong smiled, and with a wave of his hand, a box of Daliguo appeared in front of their table out of thin air.

Seeing Shen Qingcong's method of changing things out of thin air, Xiao Chifeng and Yan Ting were full of surprise and shock.

Under their surprised and puzzled eyes, Shen Qingcong didn't explain her abilities, but only introduced them, "This is a kind of strong fruit that can improve physical fitness and force value, and it's also very delicious. Eat a few first." Try it."

Hearing that it was a fruit that could increase physical stamina and force, Yan Ting exclaimed in dismay, "Damn it, is it true or not?"

He immediately stood up, rushed over, pulled hard, opened the box, and took out a few bright red Dali fruits from the box.

The fruity aroma is rich and attractive, and the color is so fresh and delicate, Yan Ting first gave this fruit an [-]% rating on its appearance.

He took the fruit plate on the table, dumped all the apples and grapes that were originally in the fruit plate on the table, ran to the bathroom next to him to wash it up, and then walked out with the fruit.

(End of this chapter)

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