Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1012 Want to occupy her, who knows...

Chapter 1012 Want to occupy her, who knows...

"Okay, I'll wait for you!"

Si Kouyao sent a bunch of victory gestures over.

Leng Qingjue also responded with a big smile and a big like to encourage her.

Si Kou Yao looked at it, only feeling warm in her heart.

Her Uncle Leng is really the best warm uncle in the world!

Knowing that her relatives would come to save her, Si Kou Yao calmed down.

She ordered Elf Xiaoxiao to monitor everything outside, and she freely accompanied the five children to practice and live in the space, waiting for their arrival with peace of mind.

Si Kou Yao is quite comfortable in the space.

But Zhao Wenhe, the ghost emperor of the West, is now suffocated to death.

He was in a hurry to come back, because he wanted to dominate Si Kou Yao and have sex with her.

Unexpectedly, when he returned to the imperial palace, he opened the soul-locking bottle, but found that it was empty. Where did Si Kouyao's soul exist?

When he first saw that the soul-locking bottle was empty, Zhao Wenhe's heart skipped a beat, thinking that Si Kouyao's soul could not bear the pressure of the soul-locking bottle, and his soul flew away.

But after thinking about it later, he felt something was wrong.

The soul-locking bottle can lock the soul, but it won't make the soul disappear!

Zhao Wenhe thought of Si Kouyao's portable magic weapon again. Could it be that Si Kouyao's soul got into her magic weapon and hid again?
The more Zhao Wenhe thought about it, the more he realized it was possible.

After thinking about it, he said to the soul lock bottle with a smirk on his face, "Si Kou Yao, I know that you are inside, so get out immediately, otherwise, I will destroy your physical body immediately! "

After finishing speaking, Zhao Wenhe took Si Kouyao's body out of the storage ring.

Zhao Wenhe took out Si Kouyao's body in order to threaten the appearance of her soul body.

But the result?

He just watched Si Kou Yao's body disappear in front of him in an instant, so fast that he didn't even have time to rescue him.

Zhao Wenhe was dumbfounded, "Damn it, what's going on?"

Then he yelled into the soul lock bottle angrily, "Si Kou Yao, I know it's your fault, get out of here quickly! This emperor can let the past go, otherwise, this emperor has plenty of ways to deal with you!!! "

At this time, Si Kou Yao in the space has re-fused the soul and body together.

Both she and Elf Xiaoxiao were slapping the table and laughing wildly, "Hahaha, I have never seen such a stupid person who wants to threaten me with my body. I am worried that I don't know where to find my body, hahaha , It’s really hard to find a place when you step through the iron shoes, and it doesn’t take much effort to get it!”

Elf Xiaoxiao also laughed wildly, "Hahaha, that's right, isn't this ghost emperor always boasting that he is smart? I think he is a fool!"

Si Kouyao finished laughing before holding Elf Xiaoxiao, "No! In fact, he is not an idiot. Ordinary people may really have to be coerced by him because they are afraid of physical damage, but what he miscalculated is that he doesn't know our family What a clever and powerful elf Xiaoxiao is!"

After being praised by the master, Xiao Xiao was in high spirits, and said with a giggle, "When this guy caught the master, he knew how to hide his head and shrink his tail, so we couldn't prevent him from making a move. He succeeded, and now he returned to himself. The base camp became rampant, which just happened to give us a chance to make back, hahaha..."

Xiao Xiao sent in the image of Zhao Wenhe from the outside world, "Master, look at this idiot, he is so angry that he is about to vomit blood, hahaha, hahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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