Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1017 Yao'er is gone again!

Chapter 1017 Yao'er is gone again!

Leng Qingjue, Si Kou Yu, and Xiao Chifeng exclaimed in unison, and retreated quickly.

The Qi and blood in Ghost Emperor Zhao Wenhe's whole body went berserk in an instant, and the energy around him also exploded geometrically.
Xiao Xiao in the space also noticed something was wrong, and exclaimed loudly to Si Kouyao, "Master, master, it's bad! That damned Zhao Wenhe, he's going to blow himself up!!!"

Si Kou Yao immediately ordered, "Xiao Xiao, start the space defense immediately! The highest level of defense is required!"

Xiao Xiao replied loudly, "Yes!"

Xiaoxiao had just opened the most advanced defense formation in the space when he heard a loud "bang" outside, and he could see from the screen that a huge black cloud lifted into the sky.

The space was shocked by the energy wave of Zhao Wenhe's self-detonation, and it was also trembling.

After connecting to the transparent screen outside, and persisting for less than a minute, there was a sudden chirping sound, and the transparent light curtain disappeared without a sound, and Si Kou Yu could no longer see what was going on outside.

The birds and spirit beasts in the space seemed to sense the danger, and they all screamed and trembled in fright, lying on the ground and not daring to move.

The four big babies were also on the verge of a formidable enemy, they stood by the little fan's side, not daring to relax.

Only Xiao Fan Tuan'er thought someone was playing with her, and giggled.

She was still waving her little arms and kicking her little chubby legs, her black eyes were rolling around her four brothers, and she was yelling at them, as if she was asking them to come and play with her. .

The four big babies felt that the shock outside had calmed down, so they sat around the little fan again and started teasing her.

And Leng Qingjue, Si Kou Yu, and Xiao Chifeng who were outside, only remembered that Si Kou Yao was still there after retreating.

Zhao Wenhe's self-detonation razed the Ghost Emperor's Palace to the ground in the blink of an eye, and even the space was torn into a large black crack, and the Ghost Emperor's Palace, which was turned into pieces, also fell into the cracks in the void. .

Leng Qingjue, Si Kou Yu, and Xiao Chifeng looked at this scene, and their faces turned blue.

What about Yaoer?
where is she now

Could she still be trapped in the Ghost Emperor's Palace, and then be torn to pieces by Zhao Wenhe's self-explosion?
With trembling hands Leng Qingjue summoned the system and immediately sent a message to Si Kou Yao, "Yao'er, where are you now? Zhao Wenhe has blew himself up to death, and now it's safe outside, come out quickly! We are in Ghost Emperor The palace is waiting for you!"

One minute passed, and Si Kouyao didn't reply!

Leng Qingjue resent the previous message again, and added, "Yaoer, please reply immediately after receiving the message! Please reply immediately! Please reply immediately!"

Leng Qingjue finished sending the message again, and waited for another quarter of an hour, but Si Kouyao still didn't reply!

Now the faces of the three men turned pale!

Leng Qingjue trembled, and resent the message again!

Keep reposting! ! !
Another half an hour passed, and Si Kouyao still didn't reply! ! !

Leng Qingjue raised his eyes in fear, and looked at Si Kou Yu and Xiao Chifeng, who were equally pale, "What's going on? What's going on here? How come there is no news from Yao'er?"

"She has space to protect herself, she will be fine, don't you think so?"

Si Kou Yu's eyes were red, and he smiled faintly, as if he was comforting them, but more, he was actually comforting himself.

(End of this chapter)

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