Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1031 Who Is The Real Master Chef 3

Chapter 1031 Who Is The Real Master Chef 3
Anyway, for him, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

Si Kouyao looked at the menu and only smiled slightly.

This fairy has a space against the sky, what ingredients do you want?

Just trying to make things difficult for her with such a small problem?
Hehe, they really underestimated her!
Let this fairy come to open your eyes to you people today.

come on!

Keep your eyes wide open!
Take a look at how this fairy became a generation of cooking gods, how to conquer the stomachs of you people!
Everyone only saw Si Kouyao's hand flying there, and everyone present was dazzled by the incomparably fast sword skills, and praised again and again.


"I only see the glint of the knife!"

"This knife skill is really amazing!"

"Looking at Fairy's knife skills, the dishes she cooks must be extraordinary."

"That's right! If we also have the opportunity to eat a dish made by the fairy later, it will be beautiful."

"I want to eat too..."

When the cut vegetables started to be put into the pot, when the onlookers smelled the strong aroma of vegetables and meat, they suddenly felt hungry, and their saliva kept swallowing...

"Mom, what kind of dish is this? Why does it smell so good? I'm so hungry..."

"I really want to eat! I really want to eat! I really want to eat! Why is it broken?"

"If it wasn't for someone blocking here, I would have rushed to grab it!"

They only dare to think this way, but dare not do it.

But some shameless people really have no taboos and want to grab it directly.

This person is Hu Buwei, the master of the Hall of Extreme Evil.

He also smelled the gluttonous scent wafting from Si Kou Yao's side early in the morning, and couldn't help muttering, "What kind of food is his nanny cooking? Why is it so fragrant? I'm so hungry..."

Even if he sat there, he was fidgeting.

Zhan Jundong, the other three elders, Feiying and Song Changqing also secretly swallowed.

They also looked at Si Kou Yao eagerly, wishing that she would bring the dishes to them right away for them to try, but they were still trying to maintain their demeanor and not let themselves lose their composure!
After a while, Hu Buwei couldn't bear it anymore.

He stood up suddenly, "His nanny, I can't take it anymore, I want to eat now! No one can stop me!!!"

Seeing this bully's attitude of hitting anyone who stopped him, Song Changqing was also a little embarrassed.

Feiying said to him, "Changqing, go and see what Fairy Yao has cooked, and if it's ready, serve it first!"

Song Changqing quickly responded, "Yes! I'll take it right away!"

Hu Buwei at the other end had already walked to Si Kou Yao's side, salivating at her with an ugly face and said with a smile, "Beauty, can you eat?"

Si Kouyao gave him a cold look and ignored him.

Seeing Si Kouyao being so cold and arrogant, Hu Buwei was so angry that he wanted to beat her.

But then he thought that the beauty in front of him was not the women in his family who he played with and bullied.

If he dared to smoke Si Kouyao here today, not to mention how Feiying and the others would deal with him, even Zhan Jundong would be enough for him to walk away.

With Zhan Jundong around, he did not dare to be too presumptuous.

He made such a fuss just now, he was sure that Zhan Jundong would not be angry, so he dared to do that.

Hu Buweizheng felt that he could not get off the stage, but fortunately Song Changqing came over at this time.

 PS: Add two updates~
(End of this chapter)

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