Chapter 1033
The common people watching at this end also received another reward from Si Kou Yao.

Every time she cooks a dish, she will give them a portion, so that the common people standing at the front can have a bite and try the taste.

From the loud praises from the common people after eating, we can know their recognition and admiration for Si Kou Yao's superb cooking skills.

While Si Kouyao was receiving praise from the judges and the common people, Zhang Guoyan, the chef of Tayunlou, felt very lost and melancholy.

He, a well-known master chef in Sin City, was defeated without any suspense by Si Kou Yao, a little-known little girl. He really felt a little sad, a little wronged, a little sad, and a little frustrated!
From now on, he might not be able to gain a foothold in Tayunlou.

Without the job at Tayun Tower, how would he support his parents, wife and children?

Thinking of these, Zhang Guoyan felt that his life was dark and he had nothing to love.

As a result of the final match, there is no doubt that Tayunlou lost and Si Kouyao won.

Tayun Tower changed hands once!
Feiying and Song Changqing also readily gave the title deed of Tayun Tower to Si Kouyao.

When handing over the land deed to Si Kou Yao, Song Changqing asked with a smile, "Fairy Yao, do you want to open Jueweifang after you get the Tayun Tower?"

The name Jueweifang was also what Song Changqing told Jiao Snake when she met Si Kou Yao with the shopkeeper for the first time.

Song Changqing's question is what everyone else wants to know.

Si Kou Yao nodded with a smile, "That's right! I'm going to change Tayunlou into Jueweifang, so that everyone in Sin City can enjoy the top-notch delicacies of Jueweifang, and it will open in three days. At that time, I would like to invite all of you to come and join us, I treat you!"

Zhan Jundong, Fei Ying, Mr. Pei and Mr. Rong Qiqi said, "We must come! We must come!"

Hu Buwei also yelled loudly, "With such delicious food, I, Lao Hu, will definitely come too! I will bring my whole family to join in the show, hahaha, Fairy Yao, my whole family is here, do you still want to treat me?" ah?"

Si Kou Yao smiled and said, "Please! If you come alone, I invite you, and if you come as a family, I invite you too. How can you not invite me to save face? You think so?"

Hu Buwei was very helpful when he heard Si Kou Yao's words, "Fairy Yao is really a cheerful person! Well, the fun is over, and the food is eaten, I'm leaving! When Fairy Yao opens, I will bring a generous gift Come and congratulate Fairy Yao!"

Si Kou Yao cupped his hands at him, "Then I would like to thank Mr. Hu first, Mr. Hu, go slowly!"

Hu Buwei waved his hand and hurried away.

Where Zhan Jundong was, he didn't stay for long, he was afraid that Zhan Jundong would not like him and would attack him again.

After Hu Buwei left, Mr. Pei and Mr. Rong also left one after another. They also said that they would definitely come back to join us on the opening day.

In addition to the many ordinary people talking enthusiastically outside, in the top wing room inside Tayun Building, only Zhan Jundong, Feiying and Song Changqing were sitting at the main table.

The old Jiao stood quietly on one side, silently protecting Si Kou Yao.

The shopkeeper, Wang Laojiu, and the chef Zhang Guoyan, who hung his head, stood guard at the door, preventing anyone from entering.

The gate of the first floor of Tayun Building has been closed. The shopkeeper Wang Laojiu put up a sign at the gate, on which a paragraph was temporarily written in large characters with a brush: "Tayun Building changed hands and closed for three days for renovation. Three days later, Jueweifang Welcome to the opening!"

(End of this chapter)

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