Chapter 1039
The little fan group also saw Si Kouyao at this moment.

She immediately stopped crying, stretched out two fat little arms towards her, and yelled, asking her to hug, hug...

Si Kouyao saw Xiao Fantuan'er crying with red eyes like a bunny, so she quickly reached out and hugged her, reached out and poked her little pink face lightly, and said to her with a grin, "Little Fantuan , you're being naughty again, look, you've made big brother a big mess..."

Little Fen Tuan'er seemed to understand her words, yelled a few times, stretched out her little hand and scratched and scratched her chest, and rubbed her little head there.

Si Kouyao asked the boss to go out first, and then she untied her clothes to feed the little fan.

The little powder ball has been making trouble for so long, and her stomach is growling with hunger, and this time she finally has milk, and her little face is full of satisfaction.

She gulped down the milk and ate it with a "gurgling" sound, which made Si Kou Yao's heart ache again.

Every time she is busy, the children will suffer. Although, no matter whether she is busy or not, she tries to take time to accompany the children.

But when she gets busy, there will always be times when she neglects it, which makes her feel helpless and deeply sorry for the children.

From tomorrow onwards, she will take the four big babies and the little fans with her.

She can take them to do things, and while leading the little fans, she can also let the four big babies participate in the work, so that they can also regard this kind of life as a kind of work and experience.

If she is really busy, let Lao Jiao and the four big babies take care of the little fan.

If you are really too busy, you can also deal with the old Jiao or the four big babies.

The more Si Kouyao thought about it, the more she felt that this was better.

After several children finished their cultivation, Si Kouyao called them all together, told her thoughts to the four big babies, and asked for their opinions, "Big babies, do you think this is good?"

The four big babies said together, "Okay! Of course!"

"Mum, I've wanted to go out and do things with you for a long time, but you always think we are still young, and you are always afraid that something will happen to us."

"That's right, Mommy, we have long wanted to go out. Although we are not very old, but you see when we went to ancient times before, those ancient children were as old as us, and they had not yet cultivated. I started working early to support my family."

"That's right, Mommy, we're still at such a high level, we'll be fine, so don't worry about letting us go out."

"Mommy, whoever dares to bully the four of us, the four of us will go up together, even if he is a real fairy, we can beat him to the ground."

"It's, it's..."

When Si Kouyao heard that they all wanted to go out so much, she also smiled, "Okay, then from tomorrow onwards, you will go out with Mommy. If there is anything, you can call Mommy, you know?"

The four big babies responded in unison, "I know!"

Si Kouyao looked at her four outstanding babies with pride in her eyes.

The children in her family are just fine!
Si Kouyao settled the little fan, watched her fall asleep, and then said to the four big babies, "Look at my sister, Mommy is going to practice. Now that Mommy's cultivation is so low, if you don't Hurry up and practice, if there is a fight, Mommy will suffer a lot."

The four big babies quickly comforted her, "Mum, don't worry, we will protect you!"

 PS: 8 is updated, thank you for voting and rewarding friends, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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