Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 104 Willing to recognize you as master

Chapter 104 Willing to recognize you as master
If he didn't trust Shen Qingcong extremely, with his extremely noble identity and status, how could he do this?

Shen Qingcong stretched her spiritual power into his brain, then wrapped her spiritual power around his spiritual power, and tied them tightly.

The spiritual power of the two people quickly blended together.

The next moment, Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong felt at the same time that after forming a sympathetic bond, they could easily sense each other's emotions.

Xiao Chifeng was overjoyed, he liked this agreement very much!
Now he and Qingcong seem to share a soul body, they are intimate with each other, and they can also share each other's emotions.

He can also sense whether she is in danger in the first time, and if something happens to her in the future, he can also rush to her side quickly.

He also doesn't have to worry that she will betray him and leave him. From then on, she can only be with him for the rest of her life.

This contract of one heart is really well done!Well done!

Sensing Xiao Chifeng's joy, Shen Qingcong also expressed his joy to him.

The two of them don't need to speak, they can communicate with just this mental power.

In such a special spiritual world, only the two of them exist, which is really good and wonderful.

If it wasn't for Yan Ting's presence at the scene, Xiao Chifeng really wanted to hug Shen Qingcong, kiss her well, love her well, and linger with her well, so as to relieve his current excitement .

Seeing Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong looking at each other affectionately, Yan Ting sighed in his heart as they both had silly and sweet smiles on their faces. dog!Why didn't anyone come to pity him?
He wanted to cough a few times, interrupt their loving gaze.

But when he thought of Boss Xiao's terrifying methods, Yan Ting's desire to be a demon instantly sank again.

I had no choice but to look at this loving couple with a sad face, sitting on the sofa and drawing circles to curse them, I hope you will always be so affectionate and loving forever!

Sensing Yan Ting's strong resentment, Shen Qingcong finally realized her conscience and shifted her attention from Xiao Chifeng to him.

"Brother Yan, have you considered it?"

Yan Ting stared deliberately, "What are you thinking about? You can't be..."

He didn't dare to speak out his conjecture, for fear of causing Xiao Chifeng's misunderstanding again. Once the boss went crazy, it would be unreasonable.

Shen Qingcong glared at him, "Where are you thinking? Even if I want to form a contract with you, I can only form a master-servant contract. Tell me, are you willing?"

Shen Qingcong had an evil smirk on her face, Xiao Mian, I just tested you on purpose, to see if you dare to sign this master-servant contract with me?

If Yan Ting dared to risk his life, then he could really put her at ease.

"Master-servant contract?"

Sure enough, when Yan Ting heard that it was a master-servant contract, his gentle and handsome face collapsed, and he looked at Shen Qingcong sadly and asked, "Sister-in-law, is there no other contract? For example: like a partner A contract of equality..."

Shen Qingcong deliberately fooled him, "Oh, it seems that there is no such equal contract, so what should I do?"

Yan Ting closed his eyes in pain, as if making a very difficult decision.

Then, he opened his eyes again, and looked at Shen Qingcong steadfastly with an expression as if seeing death at home, "Sister-in-law, come on! I, Yan Ting...will recognize you as master!"

 PS: Ask for tickets, please collect!Thanks for the rewards from Blue Mind, Ning Bing, and Roudun, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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