Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1043 The huge sensation caused by Jueweifang

Chapter 1043 The huge sensation caused by Jueweifang
Si Kouyao, holding the little fan, stood in the building of Jueweifang with the four big babies, Lao Jiao, the shopkeeper Wang Laojiu, and the chef Zhang Guoyan, separated by a door, listening to the people outside I also feel that the future is bright.

No matter where her Jueweifang opens, it will cause a huge sensation.

Moreover, this astonishing effect will continue and will not stop for a long time.

the next day.

Si Kou Yao took out all the ingredients in the space.

The previous day, Tayunlou turned into Jueweifang overnight, but on this day, Si Kouyao suddenly produced so many top-quality ingredients, the shopkeeper Wang Laojiu and the chef Zhang Guoyan are no strangers to it.

Although they didn't think it was strange, they were still very shocked that Si Kou Yao could take out so many ingredients with energy at hand.

Of course, the price that Si Kouyao set for Jueweifang is definitely scary.

Ordinary people, when they see this price, are afraid that they will be scared away, and they dare not come in to spend.

Si Kouyao personally taught Chef Zhang Guoyan how to cook the famous dishes of the eight modern cuisines. Zhang Guoyan was so moved that he knelt down and worshiped her as his teacher.

Si Kouyao couldn't resist Zhang Guoyan's persistence, so in desperation, she had no choice but to accept his apprenticeship ceremony, and gained another apprentice in cooking.

Zhang Guoyan's craftsmanship is not bad in the first place, otherwise, he would not be able to be the original chef of Tayunlou.

He will lose to Si Kouyao. Apart from Si Kouyao being a monk herself, who can better grasp the skills and details, the special ingredients produced in that space are also indispensable.

After two days of rigorous training, and after passing the assessment by Si Kouyao, Zhang Guoyan can be re-learned.

Everything is ready.

Jueweifang finally ushered in the opening ceremony.

On the opening day, early in the morning, people from all directions surrounded Jueweifang.

They are all foodies who are waiting for Juewei Fang to open so that they can go in and grab a seat.

Zhan Jundong, Fei Ying, Song Changqing, Pei Lao and Rong Lao also came very early, and each of them brought a lot of friends or family members to join them.

No matter how many people came, Si Kou Yao warmly welcomed them and thanked them for coming.

The new Jueweifang building is three stories high, with carved beams and painted buildings. The antique building exudes a simple and gorgeous atmosphere, just like an ancient palace. I want to go in and have a look.

Inside is a super spacious and bright lobby, which can accommodate 2000 people dining at the same time.

There is also a very delicate small bridge and flowing water in the lobby, with green trees and flowers as decorations and isolation belts, which makes people feel like sitting in a pavilion in the garden, which is very comfortable.

The second floor is a small private room with relatively simple decoration.

However, no matter how simple the private rooms here are, they are much more luxurious than other houses.

The third floor is a large VIP room with luxurious decoration. It is a place for the real rich to spend. It will definitely make people come here once and never forget it.

The refreshing Jueweifang, which feels very grand, makes the diners praise it as soon as they come in, even old gluttons like Mr. Pei and Mr. Rong are no exception.

“The environment here is really nice!”

"That's right, sitting in such an environment and eating, you must have a big appetite, plus the delicious food of Jueweifang, it's like a fairy's life..."

Someone outside was muttering, "It's just that the price is a bit expensive!"

(End of this chapter)

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