Chapter 1045

This top-level large private room is spacious, bright and has low-key luxury.

There were five large round tables inside, already full of people.

All the delicacies here are from Si Kou Yao.

She had already prepared these delicacies and snacks in the kitchen of the space yesterday, and today she just needs to bring them out to entertain guests.

The wine on the table is also all the top-grade spiritual wine of the space.

Once this delicacy is released, it is invincible, and no one can beat it. Even people of high level will bow down to this delicacy.

The people in the top-level private room, like the ordinary people in the lobby, ate their mouths full of oil, and grabbed the dishes without regard for their demeanor.

Mr. Pei and Mr. Rong had a lesson from the day they tried the food, and they didn't dare to taste it carefully today. As soon as this dish was served, the two of them also competed with these young people.

Everyone was eating, grabbing at the same time, laughing and scolding each other from time to time, the atmosphere was particularly enthusiastic...

Hu Buwei and his wife looked at their playboy son who had always been anorexic, but today he changed his normal behavior, without their coaxing at all, he just scrambled to eat vegetables, and he couldn't be happier.

If their son could eat with such peace of mind every day, they wouldn't have to worry about it.

While they cared about eating for themselves, they kept adding vegetables to their son, and soon filled up the kid's stomach.

Seeing this family robbing food like robbers, the other people at the same table couldn't help but secretly despise them in their hearts, and also accelerated their movements, for fear that if they were slower, the plate would be given to the family surnamed Hu. Empty.

Si Kou Yao looked at this lively scene, and a slight smile appeared on the corners of her beautiful lips.

She greeted everyone again, "Everyone, don't just focus on the food, the spiritual wine and drinks are also unique treasures in our Jueweifang, you can try it..."

It was only then that everyone realized that there were still fine wines and drinks.

They were so busy eating the vegetables that they forgot to drink the wine and juice.

Now everyone is eating about the same. After being reminded by Si Kouyao, Mr. Pei is the first to pick up the wine glass and take a sip of the spiritual wine.

When the spirit wine entered his throat, Mr. Pei instantly felt the pores all over his body stand up.

After the spirit wine entered his stomach, a hot current that made him feel extremely comfortable rushed to his whole body, driving away all the coldness in his body.

Mr. Pei couldn't help shouting three times, "Good wine! Good wine! Really good wine!"

As soon as the others heard Mr. Pei's shout and saw Mr. Pei's intoxicated face, they raised their wine glasses one by one, and tasted the fine wine with doubts and temptations.

This taste is incredible.

No matter men or women, young or old, they all fell in love with this sweet, smooth, mellow and intoxicating taste.

"So good!"

"Fairy, is this spiritual wine available for sale? Bring me a few boxes later, and I want to take it home to drink!"

"Fairy, I want to bring some boxes too!"

"Fairy, and me, I want twenty boxes!"

Seeing them scrambling to buy it, Si Kouyao smiled softly, "Everyone, let me tell you first that this spirit wine is more precious, except that you can order one for dinner at Jueweifang, and it is only available for takeaways." You must bring one. However, today is an exception for the opening, you can buy two boxes per person, and I can also give you a [-]% discount, if you want to buy it, hurry up, after today, there will be no such discount!"

(End of this chapter)

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