Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1060 Mommy is bad, bad, bad 1

Chapter 1060 Mommy is bad, bad, bad 1
Xiao Chifeng turned his head to look at her, and sighed softly, "I understand that seizing the good opportunity given by the ancestor is the most correct choice, but the arrangement on my side is really difficult now, and no one will take over. I'll think about it first and see what I can do to achieve the best of both worlds?"

Si Kou Yao smiled, "Well, anyway, there are still three months, we can think about it, the big deal, we will live separately for a period of time, anyway, as my father said, I will become the person in charge of the Space-Time Administration , just like Uncle Leng in the past, you can go anywhere at any time! With the support of the ancestors, there must be no problem!"

Xiao Chifeng suddenly asked Si Kou Yao again, "Yao'er, how do you think the ancestor will deal with the Immortal Emperor?"

Si Kou Yao shook her head, "It's hard for me to say this, the meaning of the ancestor should be the meaning of the way of heaven, I believe that when the time comes, there will be a result."

Xiao Chifeng said again, "If the Immortal Emperor is still in charge of the Immortal Palace, then we will ascend to the Immortal Realm. If the Immortal Emperor insists on suppressing us, I am afraid our life will not be too easy. Look at Uncle Leng, he is still a relative of the Immortal Emperor Well, didn't the Immortal Emperor withdraw him just because he said he would withdraw..."

Si Kou Yao sighed softly, "Yes! If we don't solve this problem, we can't feel at ease even if we ascend!"

At this moment, Si Kouyao heard the voice of the boss Xiao Qingzhou calling her, "Mummy, Mommy, wait for me, wait for me..."

Si Kouyao turned her head and looked over, only to see that the boss Xiao Qingzhou was dragging his little girlfriend Ling Dai and running towards them.

Si Kouyao looked at them and asked with a smile, "Silly boy, what's the matter, you have to run in such a hurry?"

Xiao Qingzhou looked at Si Kouyao and said, "Mummy, Lingdai is homesick, I want to accompany Lingdai home, is that okay?"

Si Kou Yao nodded and smiled, "Yes, just pay attention to safety on the road, and contact Mommy anytime if you need anything."

Xiao Qingzhou suddenly laughed happily, "Thank you Mommy, Lingdai, let's go now then?"

Lingdai also bowed her hands to Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng, "Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master! That disciple will leave with Senior Brother first! Master, Master, goodbye!"

Si Kou Yao smiled softly and waved at them, "Go! Goodbye!"

The boss Xiao Qingzhou called out the flying sword, let Lingdai go up, hugged his waist, and flew towards Lingdai's house.

Si Kouyao watched them go away, and smiled at Xiao Chifeng with emotion, "Before we knew it, our children are so old, now ten or eight years later, maybe the two of us can be grandparents... "

Xiao Chifeng put his arms around her shoulders, and said with a soft smile, "I hope they will grow up soon, so that I can give them my position, and we can go about our own things, instead of doing what we do now, A lot of worries..."

Si Kou Yao nodded, "Yes! If the children grow up, we can go around freely."

When the couple returned to their yard, they found that little Bobby was holding the crying little fan, sweating from anxiety.

When he saw Si Kou Yao came back, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Godmother, look at the little fan, she may be hungry, I can't coax her well."

Looking at the little Bobby now, Si Kouyao thought of the big babies who brought the little fans before, and couldn't help laughing, "This girl will cry when she's hungry, come on, give it to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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