Chapter 1062

Si Kouyao is accompanied by her father and mother, as well as her husband. She is not worried at all about this trip to the fairy world. On the contrary, she is looking forward to it. I wonder if there will be any big surprises waiting in the fairy world. them?

After bidding farewell to everyone, Si Kouyao led them into her space, passed through the plane channel teleportation array, and directly located the old ancestral hall.

With a flash of white light in the teleportation array, they disappeared in place in an instant.

The next moment, their figures appeared at the gate of the ancestor hall.

It is convenient, fast, and efficient. With this spatial plane teleportation array, you can go anywhere very quickly. It's really great!
The gatekeeper fairy boy Amu seemed to have known they were coming, and had been waiting there early in the morning.

Just as Si Kou Yao and the others appeared, Amu opened the gate of the old ancestral hall, and bowed to them with a smile, "Amu welcomes Immortal Yu, Fairy Yan, Fairy Yaoyao, and Fairy Chifeng back to the palace!"

What Amu said was "returning to the hall", which proved that the ancestor Hongjun had already confessed to them, and he had completely regarded them as the family members of the ancestor hall.

Si Kou Yu, Nalan Yan, Si Kou Yao and Xiao Chi Feng also returned the salute to Amu.

The five babies, big and small, still stayed in Si Kouyao's space, and they were not allowed to come out for the time being.

Amu smiled and said to them, "The ancestor is already waiting for you in the hall, go in quickly!"

Under Amu's guidance, the four of them walked into the hall.

Seeing the kind old man sitting cross-legged above the main hall, Si Kou Yu, Nalan Yan, Si Kou Yao, and Xiao Chi Feng all knelt down respectfully to pay respects, "A Yu (Yan'er, Yao'er, Chi Feng) has seen the ancestor!"

The old ancestor smiled and waved, "Get up! Sit down and talk!"

"Yes, thank you, Patriarch!"

The four of them got up and sat down on the futons below according to the ceremony, like devout Taoists listening to the morals of the ancestors, their faces were quiet and peaceful.

All the impetuousness and uneasiness in the mind and spirit seemed to calm down after entering the ancestor's hall.

Si Kouyao thought to herself, maybe it was because the ancestor had strong spiritual power to achieve such an effect!

They had just sat down when Fairy Amu led another person in.

When Si Kou Yu and Si Kou Yao saw the visitor, their eyes widened in surprise, they stood up abruptly, and cheered at the visitor, "Ah Jue..."

"Uncle Leng..."

The person who came was completely deserted. At this time, he was still wearing a mighty general's uniform. He lost a little of the enchanting and beautiful color of the past, but he had more of a man's firmness and coldness, and his momentum was like a rainbow. Powerful and extraordinary.

Leng Qingjue smiled at them, first went up to pay respects to the ancestors, and then smiled at Si Kou Yu and Si Kou Yao, "Ayu, sister-in-law, Yao'er, Ah Chi, you are all here, I am so happy to be here at the old Zu here to see you!"

Ancestor Hongjun also watched them talking there with a smile, and when they had finished exchanging greetings, the ancestor said with a smile, "Qing Jue, sit down and talk!"

Desolately and respectfully replied, "Yes, Patriarch."

Although he didn't know what the ancestor asked him to do today, but just because he could reunite with Ayu and Yaoer here today, he felt that this trip was worth it!

Ancestor Hongjun looked at them with kind eyes, and his voice carried a warm force, "The ancestor asked you to come today because he has important matters to discuss with you, and he will announce it at the Fairy Court tomorrow. The first thing is..."

(End of this chapter)

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