Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1064: Patriarch's Favor

Chapter 1064: Patriarch's Favor

The old ancestor looked at these children who looked like jade, and his heart, which was always calm and indifferent, was about to soften.

He stroked his beard and smiled, and said, "Okay, okay, you all get up!"

The ancestor smiled and waved his hands again, and the invisible spiritual power lifted the whole family up, and they all stood up.

The ancestor said to Si Kouyu again, "Ayu, you are relatively indifferent, so you will live in the ancestor hall with Yan'er from now on and practice hard. If Yao'er and A Chi's family come up, you can also live in. Anyway, the old There are quite a few buildings in the ancestral hall, which are enough for your family to live in, and with you there, the old ancestral hall, which has always been deserted, can be bustling and lively."

Si Kou Yu obediently replied, "Yes, the child will obey his father."

Si Kou Yao smiled and asked, "Old Ancestor, can I stay on Earth with Achi for a longer period of time after taking over the position of the head of the Space-Time Administration?"

The ancestor looked at her with a smile and asked, "Why? Could it be that the fairy world is not as good as the human world?"

Si Kou Yao explained with a smile, "Of course not, the fairy world is definitely better than the human world, but now Ah Chi still shoulders the heavy responsibility of the empire, the children are still young, and the successor has not yet been determined, so I want to work in the lower world , When the following things are successfully handed over, we can rest assured that we can ascend to the fairyland. We must not be anticlimactic in our work, but we must have a beginning and an end! Grandpa, don’t you think so?”

The old ancestor smiled and nodded, "Okay, Grandpa is sure!"

Si Kou Yao laughed again, "Grandpa, Yao'er has something to ask."

The ancestor was very patient with her, "What else is there? Tell me!"

Si Kouyao said again, "Grandpa, when I was doing missions in Sin City, I received strong support from Zhan Jundong, the person in charge of the Dimensional Police Station. According to my granddaughter, Zhan Jundong was originally a general of the heavens, but Because she offended Yang Hao and was demoted to the City of Sin by the Immortal Emperor, the granddaughter wants to ask her grandfather to allow Zhan Jundong to return to the Immortal Realm and make him her granddaughter's right-hand man."

After Si Kouyao finished speaking, she called Zhan Jundong out of the space.

She said to Zhan Jundong, "Jun Dong, I've already told my ancestor about you, so hurry up and pay your respects to your ancestor!"

When Zhan Jundong saw the old man on the seat, his heart froze instantly, he was really the legendary ancestor Hongjun!
He immediately knelt down, kowtowed three times and bowed nine times, "Zhan Jundong kowtowed to the ancestor, wishing the ancestor good luck! Longevity is boundless!"

The ancestor waved at him, "Get up!"

"Thank you old man!"

The ancestor took a look at Zhan Jundong, saw that he was upright, upright, and had indeed accumulated a lot of merit in the city of sin, so he said to Zhan Jundong, "Yao'er said, when you were in the city of sin, you helped She is very busy, so she wants to transfer you back to the fairyland to be her assistant, Zhan Jundong, would you like to?"

Zhan Jundong was so excited that his voice trembled, "Jun Dong is willing! I am willing! Thank you Fairy Yaoyao, and thank you Patriarch for fulfillment!"

The ancestor smiled and said, "Since you are willing, come to court with us tomorrow!"

Zhan Jundong bowed his head and replied, "Yes, Patriarch."

Next, the ancestor said to Si Kouyu, "Ayu, you are familiar with everything in the ancestor's palace. You, Yan'er, Yaoer and the others will live in Yunxiao Pavilion from now on. Now go down and settle down, and keep your spirits up. Go to court with me tomorrow!"

Si Kou Yu replied "Yes" respectfully, then bid farewell to the ancestor, led them out of the main hall, and walked towards the backyard.

(End of this chapter)

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