Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 107 One more good way to get rich

Chapter 107 Another good way to get rich

Just relying on the top-quality jadeite in the two big boxes in front of me, the value is immeasurable.

The top-quality jadeite and various gemstones in these two big boxes, even in the delta that is rich in jadeite, the annual output is not much, so there is a phenomenon that the market is in short supply and the price of jadeite is getting higher and higher.

According to Yan Ting's visual estimation, the large pieces of these top-quality jadeites are worth hundreds of millions, and the small ones are estimated to be worth several million. Once they are all sold, they will be worth at least several billion Chinese coins. If it is sold at the jadeite auction, it is estimated that tens of billions of Chinese coins are possible.

Thinking of the banknotes flying all over the sky, Yan Ting said excitedly to Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong, "Boss, sister-in-law, there are so many good jadeites, why don't we take this opportunity to hold a jadeite auction, and we can also take this opportunity to publicize Promote the name of our Qinglong Club. If my sister-in-law can guarantee the supply of goods in the future, then our Qinglong Club will definitely become the best supplier of raw materials for jewelers all over the world."

After hearing what he said, Shen Qingcong thought that there were more than 90 boxes of jadeite and various gemstones stored in the system space, which could just be slowly put into the market.

Every time there are not many boxes, just a few boxes of goods will be held, and auctions will be held once or twice a month. These more than 90 boxes of goods are enough for them to play for several years.

Shen Qingcong had confidence in her heart, so she smiled at Yan Ting, "Don't worry, I can still get a lot of top quality like this, unless my ability disappears, otherwise, the supply should not be cut off, and , I can also guarantee that there will be more quantities and varieties of this kind of jade in the future. Brother Yan, you are ready to take your brothers to let go of your arms! % commission, okay?"

Yan Ting immediately shook his head, "No, no, it's our honor if we can help my sister-in-law. How can I get my sister-in-law's money?"

Shen Qingcong smiled and said, "Think of it as the drinking money I gave you. You can't take it. Besides, it's not convenient for me to do things alone, and I will have to rely on you to help me do things in the future. If you don't take some drinking money , how can I ask you to help me again?"

Yan Ting still wanted to refuse.

At this time, Xiao Chifeng said, "Your sister-in-law gave it to you, just take it, and let the people below be more careful when doing things, and don't mess up your sister-in-law's business."

Seeing that both of them insisted on this, Yan Ting thought that the boss was always a righteous person, but he didn't expect his sister-in-law to be so righteous. In this way, the brothers of the Azure Dragon Society would have a good way to make a fortune.

Thinking of this, Yan Ting quickly got up, bowed ninety degrees to Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong, and sincerely thanked them both on behalf of the brothers of the Azure Dragon Club, "Thank you, boss! Thank you, sister-in-law! Don't worry, we will definitely Do your best to help sister-in-law, and never let things go wrong."

Shen Qingcong smiled and said, "Okay, let's do it like this, Brother Yan, the items on the purchase list are what the other party needs, so help me purchase them quickly so that I can deliver them to the other party as soon as possible."

Yan Ting stood up immediately, "Okay, I'll go down now, and let someone do it right away. Sister-in-law, after purchasing these things, I will put them in the big warehouse of the Azure Dragon Club. When the purchase is complete, I will pick them up again." You go to receive the goods."

Shen Qingcong nodded, "Okay, you can help me with the purchase money first, and when the money for these emeralds comes out, you can directly deduct it."

(End of this chapter)

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