Chapter 1077

Shen Qing asked her with a smile, "With so many guests, can you go away?"

Si Kou Yao chuckled, "Achi and so many disciples are greeting them, I'll walk away for a while, it's okay, let's go!"

Shen Qing nodded, "Okay, you think it's okay, then let's go! I also want to see those two little guys, who is stronger?"

Si Kouyao released her spiritual sense to take a look, and found that the two little guys had already flown onto the rooftop.

She called the boss Xiao Qingzhou and told him to take good care of his sister.

Xiao Qingzhou asked, "Mummy, where are you going?"

Si Kouyao replied, "Xiao Bobi wants to PK with Xiao Xiaolong. I'll go up and take a look. Remember to watch out for my sister. If there's anything wrong with my sister, I'll come down later. You're the only one to ask."

Xiao Qingzhou nodded, "Got it! With me here, my sister will be fine!"

Si Kouyao got his guarantee, and hurriedly led Shen Qing to the rooftop.

Seeing Bobby and Xiao Xiaolong who were about to fight, Si Kou Yao cast a barrier on them with a wave of his hand.

She said to them again with a serious face, "You two, just discuss your ideas, but don't really hurt anyone. If someone hurts someone, I will never give the little fan to him, and I won't let him. Little Fen Tuan'er played with him again, did you both hear clearly?"

Xiao Bobi and Xiao Xiaolong heard the seriousness and seriousness in Si Kou Yao's words, and they quickly responded, "Listen clearly!"

Xiao Bobi also quickly responded, "Master, we just compete, I won't hurt Xiao Xiaolong!"

Xiao Xiaolong also said to Si Kouyao with a flattering smile, "Aunt Yaoyao, I won't hurt Brother Bobby either, don't worry!"

Si Kou Yao nodded, "Okay! You all know how to measure! Let's start! I've already set up a barrier, the sound of your fighting won't be heard, you two just fight, we're here to watch you!"

Xiao Bobi and Xiao Xiaolong responded in unison, "Yes!"

They bowed to each other again.

Little Bobby said, "Xiao Xiaolong, don't hide your clumsiness! Brother Bobby won't let you in a while!"

Xiao Xiaolong raised his chin and said arrogantly, "Huh! I don't need you to let me in. I don't know who will let me in! Come on!"

Seeing that Xiao Xiaolong proudly hooked his little finger towards him, Xiao Bobi smiled faintly, "I'm older than you, so you make the move first!"

A trace of smugness flashed in Xiao Xiaolong's eyes, "Okay! Then I won't be polite!"

Xiao Xiaolong opened his small mouth, and sprayed a mouthful of fire dragon at Little Bobby.

The fire dragon has a ferocious and hot momentum, once it is touched, it can definitely burn everything to ashes.

Little Bobby didn't dare to take it lightly, and instantly dodged away from the spot, avoiding the little dragon's fire dragon attack.

At the same time, he also summoned his spiritual power, condensed it into ropes, and wrapped them around the little dragon.

Xiao Xiaolong's speed was also very fast, and he disappeared as soon as he turned around.

Xiao Xiaolong's body speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he quickly flashed to Xiao Bobby's side again, and another fire dragon sprayed towards him.

Little Bobby smiled indifferently, and also disappeared in a flash, the rope formed by spiritual power entangled towards Xiao Xiaolong again.

After Si Kouyao looked at it for a while, she could tell that Xiao Bobi had shown mercy to Xiao Xiaolong.

Otherwise, with Xiao Bobi's current cultivation base, Xiao Xiaolong would definitely not be able to handle it if he really made a big move!

 PS: Dear friends, in the last few days, I have to save manuscripts desperately in September. For the time being, only 6 chapters will be updated, and there will be a big explosion on March 3!Please look forward to it~
(End of this chapter)

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