Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1079 The little fan group was kidnapped 1

Chapter 1079 The little fan group was kidnapped 1
Hearing Shen Qing's threatening tone, and thinking about her punishment of letting him sleep next door, Long Xiao silently shut his mouth.

His Queen's wife has always been fierce, and he can't afford to mess with her!

Watching the interaction of the three of them, Si Kouyao could see that the relationship between the three of them was very good, so she couldn't help but also laughed.

Shen Qing glared at her coquettishly, "What are you laughing at? Is it funny?"

Si Kouyao quickly explained with a smile, "It's not funny, sister Qing, I'm also happy to see your family so happy, I'm just happy for your family."

Shen Qing glanced at her and said with a smile, "Aren't your family happier than mine? Look at you now, with four sons and one daughter, you can't be too happy! I'm so envious of you!"

Hearing what his wife said, Long Xiao decided that after returning home, he must make dragons with his Queen's wife. They must have many more, more than Si Kouyao, so that others will envy her. It's not that she envies others!
If Shen Qing knew that her unintentional remark made his man even more fierce, she would definitely not say that in front of him.

Back in the banquet hall, Xiao Chifeng also greeted him.

He greeted Shen Qing, Long Xiao and the others, then quietly asked Si Kou Yao through voice transmission, "What are those two brats doing on the rooftop?"

Si Kouyao smiled and replied through voice transmission, "Xiao Xiaolong also likes Xiao Fan Tuaner, so he wants to fight Xiao Bobi, and if he loses, he will quit. Then, Xiao Xiaolong loses, it's as simple as that."

Xiao Chifeng frowned, and said with a dissatisfied face, "How old is my little fan? This is being targeted by someone? No way! You can't get engaged to my little fan so soon!"

Si Kouyao smiled at him, "Don't worry! I won't let them get engaged so quickly! Even Bobby, he's only in the observation period now, so in case the little fan group grows up and doesn't like him , it’s easier for the two of you to have no engagement.”

Xiao Chifeng nodded, "You have a good idea, that's it, our baby is so cute, I still want to keep her by my side!"

Speaking of her precious daughter, Si Kouyao looked around and started looking for her.

Si Kou Yao couldn't find the aura of Xiao Fan Tuan'er, and Si Kou Yao's heart sank instantly, and she asked Xiao Chifeng anxiously, "Where is Xiao Fan Tuan'er? Why is it missing?"

Xiao Chifeng frowned lightly, "He was here just now, why did he disappear all of a sudden? You stay with Long Xiao and Shen Qing first, I'll look for it!"

Si Kou Yao also instantly released her divine sense, and as a result, her heart became cold!
In the entire Xiao's Hotel, there is not even a trace of the little fan!
Si Kouyao started to look for Xiao Qingzhou again, and found that he was playing intellectual games with a few senior brothers.

Si Kouyao apologized to Shen Qing, and after letting her play by herself, she teleported to Xiao Qingzhou.

She grabbed Xiao Qingzhou's arm and asked anxiously, "Xiaozhou, didn't I tell you to look after my sister? Where is the little fan? Why is it missing?"

When Si Kouyao said that the little fan was gone, Xiao Qingzhou and the others stood up in shock, "What? The little fan is gone?"

Si Kou Yao's eyes were red, "Yes! Right under our noses, the little fan ball disappeared. Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on my sister? What's going on now? Why did my sister disappear?"

(End of this chapter)

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