Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1081 Night devil, you really deserve to die! ! !

Chapter 1081 Night devil, you really deserve to die! ! !
After hearing this, Si Kou Yu couldn't help cursing, "Why are you so careless? With so many people watching, you'll be caught by someone. You should really reflect on yourself!"

Si Kouyao was already sad, but being scolded by her father again made her feel even more aggrieved and sad, her eyes were red, and she said with a choked voice, "Dad, don't scold me, I'm already sad enough , now I feel like dying..."

Si Kou Yu sighed softly, "Then what are you going to do now?"

Si Kou Yao immediately replied, "I would like to ask you to help me to confirm the whereabouts of the little fan. If it is really captured by the night demon, we will go to the devil world immediately to settle accounts with the night demon and take my Bring back the little powder ball!"

Si Kouyu took Xiaofentuan'er's birthday horoscope, counted it with his fingers, and then said in a deep voice, "Little fantuan'er's location is indeed on the other side of the demon world. You and A Chi will come to the fairy world immediately. This matter , I will tell my ancestors, when the time comes, we will go to the devil world to save people!"

Si Kou Yao nodded, and replied with a sob, "Okay! Thank you, Dad!"

Si Kou Yu warned again, "Hurry up and come up, saving people is like putting out a fire, so don't delay!"

"Yes, my daughter understands."

After Si Kouyao finished answering, she and Xiao Chifeng immediately went back to the banquet hall.

Seeing them coming back, everyone in the banquet hall cast their eyes on them instantly.

Xiao Qingzhou and the others rushed up to greet him, "Mum, look at this! This is the video that was automatically played just now!"

On the big screen in the banquet hall, a man wearing a black battle suit and a black devil mask on his face was hugging a little pink ball.

Little Fen Tuan'er was still in a coma.

Yemo was there and said triumphantly, "Si Kouyao, Xiao Chifeng, listen to me, your daughter is very cute, I like it very much, I will be kind, and I will raise it for you in the future!"

"Well, I also heard that you people on Earth like to play some growing games. I like it too. This little baby of yours is really beautiful. I don't know what it will look like when it grows up? If it is true Her beauty is alluring, and I don’t mind accepting her, hahahahaha..."

After he finished laughing wildly, he continued to say, "Are you all very angry now? Very angry? Really want to kill the deity to be discouraged? Hehehe, what a pity! You can't find the deity! Hahahahaha... "

Sure enough it was him!

He even dared to post such a video, did he make it clear that he wanted to destroy their baby?

Daredevil, you are damned! ! !
Both Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao's eyes glowed with a bloodthirsty red light.

Their friends also shared the same hatred and were very angry. They all gathered around Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng, and they all voiced their support.

Shen Qing also had an angry face, her pretty face was covered with frost, and she said to Si Kouyao, "Yaoyao, if you want to fight, count our husband and wife as well!"

Bai Yan and Haitang also stood up, "Sister, there are us!"

Gong Chen also stood up, "And me!"

Fan Yu also stood up, "And me!"

"And I!"

"And I!"

"And I!"

Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao looked at the people around them, and said gratefully, "Thank you for your kindness, the reception is not good today, please forgive me!!!"

Everyone replied one after another, "They are all our own people, why are you being polite?"

(End of this chapter)

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