Chapter 1084 Touching Uncle Leng
Si Kou Yao quickly wiped away the tears from her face, and said to Si Kou Yu, "Father, have you told the ancestor about this?"

Si Kou Yu nodded, "I've said it, the ancestor is also very angry. The old man said that we can do whatever we want, and we don't have to worry about it. Anyone who dares to mess with a small fan, whether it's a demon or a fairy, will be punished." Destroy them!"

Ancestor Hongjun also loved the little powder balls with pink makeup and jade carvings.

When he heard Si Kou Yu report that the night demon had kidnapped the little fan, the patriarch, who had never been angry, was so angry that his beard flew up.

He immediately asked Si Kou Yu to take the old ancestral order, and accompanied Si Kou Yao to the Demon Realm, and also gave him a lot of magic weapons, talismans, etc. made by the old man himself, so that he could go ahead and deal with the night demons, and he didn't have to think about other things at all. .

The old ancestor also said: Even if there are really big consequences, he is still there, and he will help them settle it!

After listening to Si Kou Yao, she was very moved again.

She asked Si Kou Yu again, "Father, should I go in and thank the ancestors first, and then let's set off?"

Si Kou Yu shook his head, "The patriarch said, he doesn't pay attention to these vain etiquettes, the matter is urgent, let's go quickly! After we rescue the little fan, it's not too late to thank the patriarch when we come back!"

Si Kou Yao nodded lightly, "Okay, then let's go!"

Seeing her alone, Si Kouyu asked again, "Did you come alone? Or..."

Si Kouyao sent back to him through voice transmission, "Ah Chi and the others are all in the space! Wait until we get to the Demon Realm and see the situation, do you want them to fight? If we don't need them to fight, we can rescue the little fan, then It couldn't be better."

Si Kou Yu also understood her approach, and unless it was absolutely necessary, he couldn't let others risk his life.

If other people's families were ruined because of their own affairs, then Si Kou Yao and the others would definitely not feel at ease for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, it is best for them not to play.

Si Kou Yu and Si Kou Yao got on the flying car and headed towards the exit of the Demon World in Fu Mo City together.

Cheng Yuan, the guarding general of Fumo City, was startled when he saw Si Kou Yu and Si Kou Yao's father and daughter coming, and hurried up to greet him, "Immortal Yu, Fairy Yaoyao, why are you here?"

Si Kou Yu took out the ancestor order, "General Cheng, we need to go to the Demon Realm urgently, please open the passage."

As soon as Cheng Yuan saw the ancestor's order, he immediately responded respectfully, "Yes! I will open the passage for you!"

At this moment, suddenly there was an angry shout, "Wait a minute! Wait a moment!"

When Si Kou Yu and Si Kou Yao heard the desolate voice, they immediately sighed softly.

They knew that Leng Qingjue had just taken over the position of Immortal Palace not long ago, and now was a busy time, so they didn't call him.

Unexpectedly, he ran here by himself.

Her Uncle Leng really touches people all the time!

Seeing Leng Qingjue who was still wearing a fairy robe, Si Kou Yu deliberately said, "Ah Jue, you are so busy, what are you doing here to see us off?"

Leng Qingjue stretched out his hand and punched him, "Stop talking nonsense to me! You didn't tell me that the little fan was gone, and you asked me to check it myself. Do you still treat me as a brother?"

Si Kouyao saw her father helplessly smile, and she smoothed things over and said, "Uncle Leng, we don't know when we will be back when we go to the devil world. You are so busy now, how can you go away? If it is because of our If you have delayed the affairs of the Asgard Palace and let you be blamed by others, how can we feel at ease?"

(End of this chapter)

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