Chapter 1086

Then, Ye Mo quickly entered the teleportation array of the magic palace, passed through the teleportation array in the blink of an eye, and left the magic palace.

Si Kou Yao and Si Kou Yu felt another pain in their hearts when they sensed that the little fan's breath disappeared again.

The entire Demon Palace was searched, but the Night Demon was not found, let alone the little fan.

Si Kouyao cursed this damned night devil bitterly in her heart, wondering where did this damned guy go with his little fans?

At this time, Leng Qingjue took out a precious mirror and directly entered the name and date of birth of the little fan.

Soon, there was a wave on the mirror, and the whereabouts of the little fan group were revealed.

Si Kou Yu and Si Kou Yao were overjoyed when they saw that this treasure mirror was so powerful that they could still find someone like this.

Si Kouyao asked Leng Qingjue, "Uncle Leng, what kind of treasure is this? It's so convenient to find someone?"

Leng Qing said with a smile, "This treasure is an artifact of the Immortal Palace, it is called the Sky Mirror, and it is an artifact used by the Immortal Emperor to control the world."

Seeing Si Kouyao's envious eyes, she said with a cold smile, "I can't give this treasure to you, it's for the immortal emperor of the Immortal Palace, and no one else can use it! Don't even think about it!"

Si Kouyao laughed dryly, and immediately changed the subject, "Then where is the little fan now? Let's chase after him!"

Leng Qingjue took the sky mirror and said directly to them, "We just need to follow the direction pointed by the sky mirror, and we will definitely find them! Let's go!"

Si Kou Yu and Si Kou Yao followed closely behind Leng Qingjue and kept chasing forward.

After chasing to a place called West Demon City, the Night Demon finally stopped.

This time, Si Kouyao and the others did not rush to make a move, but hid their fairy aura. The three of them disguised themselves as demons, sneaked into the West Demon City, and hibernated quietly, waiting for the best opportunity to make a move.

At this time, Ye Mo was holding the little fan into his mansion in West Devil City.

The so-called Three Caves of the Rabbit, this night devil is the same, he has his own mansions in the magic cities in the east, west, north and south, whenever he encounters a strong enemy, or has someone he doesn't want to see, he hides in other cities, no matter how low-key he is. Live for a while, and then it's all right, and he goes back to his own magic palace.

All along, his method has worked very well, allowing him to escape many catastrophes.

He thought that this time would be no exception.

Therefore, Ye Mo breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he entered the mansion in West Demon City.

He summoned the servants here and quickly prepared some food and drink for him. After eating, he took a leisurely soak in a hot bath that made him extremely comfortable.

Only when he realized that no one was following him, Ye Mo relaxed and prepared to go back to his room to have a look at the little fan.

But when he went back to the bedroom and took a look, there was no trace of the little powder on the bed.

Ye Mo only felt his eyebrows twitch, and immediately roared loudly, "Come here! Come here!"

The surrounding demons rushed out quickly, and asked each other, "Master Demon Venerable, what happened?"

"Master Mozun, what are your orders?"

Ye Mo looked at these demons with a cold face, and asked in a cold voice, "Where is the little girl here? Where did she go?"

All the demons shook their heads together...

Ye Mo was angry and hated, and cursed loudly, "You bastards, what's the use of keeping you?"

With a wave of his big hand, wherever the magic power passed, each and every demon was shattered into a piece of meat sauce in an instant before they could even utter a scream.

(End of this chapter)

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