Chapter 1091 Great news!

"At that time, all of us will be able to ascend together. In the fairy world, we will work hard together and create our own glory and glory..."

When Bai Yan and Haitang heard this, their eyes were full of shock and surprise.

Bai Yan really couldn't believe that they would have such good luck, and asked again, "Sister, can you really take us to the fairyland together?"

Si Kou Yao smiled and nodded, "Of course, since I can say it, I can definitely succeed!"

Bai Yan immediately said excitedly, "Then we're going! We want to be with my sister all the time!"

Haitang repeatedly nodded in agreement.

That's Ascension Immortal Realm!

Immortal world is the direction that these monks have worked hard for all their lives, and they have been yearning for the holy land of mastery all their lives.

Isn't the goal they have been working hard for all this time to be able to ascend to the fairy world one day and live forever?

If only relying on their hard work, they still don't know if they have a chance to go up in this whole life?
Now that Si Kouyao built this ladder for them, if they are not sure, then they are really too stupid, too stupid!

Not only Bai Yan and Haitang were ecstatic, but everyone present was ecstatic when they heard this.

Such a good opportunity, such great luck, no one would be foolish enough to refuse.

They all thought silently in their hearts, it is true that one person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven!
If it weren't for Si Kou Yao, they might not have the chance to ascend to the fairy world in their entire lives.

But now, they have a chance to go to the fairy world!This is really great news!
Everyone was so excited that they wanted to scream, cheer, and vent their excitement...

Si Kouyao also took out boxes of spiritual wine, and took out the food prepared in the space, "Come on, let's have a good drink today, and we'll rest when we're drunk!"

Everyone also toasted to celebrate the return of the little fan group, "Come on! Let's do it together! I also wish our little fan group health and happiness, and grow up quickly..."



Everyone came and went, drinking happily until the end, and everyone was so drunk.

Seven Star Garden couldn't accommodate so many people, and Si Kouyao personally drove the flying car and sent them to Xiao's Hotel to live there, and told the hotel staff to take good care of them.

the next day.

Si Kou Yao sent Shen Qing, Bai Yan, Gong Chen and Fan Yu back one by one.

As expected by Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng, after they announced the news that they would ascend to the fairy world within five years, and they could also lead people to ascend, the news leaked out.

Those people didn't dare to ask Si Kou Yao directly, so they attacked the direct disciples of Si Kou Hall one by one, making Ye Tianling and his disciples all dizzy.

They all followed what Si Kouyao said, saying that they didn't know about it, and they heard from their master that there are not many places for Ascension to the Immortal Realm, and all of them have been confirmed.

But some people still didn't give up, tried their best, and even threatened others.

For example: Lingdai's family.

On this day, Lingdai received a call from her mother, saying that her father was sick and asked her to go back and see.

When Lingdai wanted to go home, her boss Xiao Qingzhou usually accompanied her back home.

But this time, Lingdai's mother let her come back alone.

Lingdai didn't know what happened, and after telling Xiao Qingzhou, she hurried back.

After returning home, she found that her father Ling Yingming and mother Reli were sitting in the lobby drinking tea and chatting safely.

 PS: Dear friends, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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