Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1094 A good way to deal with the best 1

Chapter 1094 A good way to deal with the best 1
"Brother, stop!"

As soon as Ling Yingming and Reli saw that the uncle went crazy again, they rushed up.

Re Lihong glared at Ling Yingming angrily, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Ling Yingming also stood in front of Lingdai, reached out and grabbed the raised crutch in Ling Yinghua's hand, and glared fiercely at Ling Yinghua like a beast guarding a cub, "Brother, you are crazy!" Is it? Even if my daughter is wrong, I will teach her a lesson, and you don’t need to do it. If you are so free, brother, why don’t you teach your three sons to stop harming other people’s daughters? Otherwise, it will really cause trouble for the family!"

Hearing Ling Yingming's words, Ling Yinghua yelled angrily, "Second brother, what are you talking about? Did you say that about your nephew? No matter how bad my son is, he would be the one who continues the spirit of the Ling family. If there is no one from my family Three sons, our Ling family will be extinct!"

Ling Yingming also sneered and replied, "Yes! You are amazing, and your son is also amazing, so go back to your own home and come to my house to show off your prestige? I have endured you all these years and let you, Do you really think I'm a sick cat? Let me tell you, don't push us, otherwise, I will die with you, if you don't believe me, just give it a try!"

Sure enough, he was so frightened and scared that he would die, Ling Yingming's toughness this time frightened Ling Yinghua for a moment, and he couldn't react for a while.

Lingdai looked at her father with a face of relief, and finally rose up in front of her family.

In fact, she knew that her father was not stupid, he was just too emotional and didn't want the family to fight among himself, so he endured it.

Otherwise, based on the fact that he can create a billion-dollar jewelry company after going out alone, if he is determined, will he not be able to deal with this idiot Ling Yinghua?
Some people just can't let it go, they just need to be beaten, and when they are convinced by the beating, they don't dare to do it again.

After a while, the three superstars seemed to come to their senses.

Old man Ling roared angrily, "Second brother, your wings are hardened, so you won't listen to me?"

Liu Hongye sneered slightly, "Oh, it turns out that sick cats can bite people too, hehehe, I want to see how capable your Lingyingming is, and you can die with us?"

Ling Yinghua heard that his father and wife had come out to support him, and the anger that had just been vented became stronger again, and he roared at Ling Yingming, "Second brother, you are really amazing now! Let me tell you, your whole life You are all members of the Ling family, and you will be members of the Ling family until your death. If there is something in the Ling family, you have to bear it! Don't even think about denying it!"

Lingdai sneered, "Tsk tsk tsk, I've seen brazen people, but I've never seen anyone as shameless as you! Dad, mom, let's go!"

Ling Yingming took Ling Dai's hand, "This is our home, why should we go? If we want to go, then they should go too!"

Reli also said, "Yes! Deidai, let's ignore them. These years, Mom has had enough of their birdishness. Today, I will completely tear my skin off with them and see who has no face?"

Lingdai looked at her parents with a smile, nodded and said, "Okay! Then let's see, what exactly do they want to do here today?"

Ling Yingming also said directly to old man Ling, "Dad, what's the matter with you? Just tell Lingdai directly, don't make so many detours."

(End of this chapter)

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