Chapter 1096 A Romantic First Kiss

Seeing Lingdai's surprised look, Xiao Qingzhou laughed again, "You let uncle and aunt deal with the family's property quietly, and then we will leave directly, regardless of whether they live or die! If they really want to If you want to die, we will fulfill them!"

Hearing the harshness in Xiao Qingzhou's words, Lingdai nodded vigorously, hugged Xiao Qingzhou, and said emotionally, "Brother Qingzhou, thank you!"

Xiao Qingzhou hugged her, stretched out his hand to caress her head, and looked at her with doting eyes, "You have our backing, what are you afraid of them doing? There are also uncles and aunts, why are you subject to them? Wait next time we Go back together, if they are not obedient, I will just hypnotize them and make them obedient! It’s such a simple thing, you are still here worrying, what a fool!"

Lingdai was convinced by his training.

She is indeed too stupid. To deal with these top grades, she can just use a little hypnotism. Fortunately, she is still worried here.

Xiao Qingzhou saw her cute and silly look, and was afraid that she would feel wronged if she said it too seriously, so she couldn't help comforting her softly, "However, you are only eight years old now, even if you Your IQ and cultivation level are higher than ordinary children, but you are still a child after all, and you can’t think about it that much, that’s normal!"

Lingdai is not convinced by this statement!

She pursed her lips and retorted, "Brother Qingzhou, you are only one year older than me! Why are you pretending to be a big bad wolf here! Hmph!"

Looking at her pouty red lips, Xiao Qingzhou suddenly felt a movement in his heart, as if a hot current surged out.

Thinking of the scenes in the romantic youth dramas he had seen, Xiao Qingzhou suddenly stretched out his hands, gently held her face, bowed his head and kissed her.

Lingdai felt the moisture on her lips, and seeing Xiao Qingzhou's enlarged handsome face in front of her eyes, her eyes widened in fright and her mind became dizzy.

Was her first kiss taken away by Brother Qingzhou?
Seeing her naive and silly appearance, Xiao Qingzhou let go of her lips and chuckled, "Silly girl, close your eyes! Feel it..."

In order to please his little girlfriend, Xiao Qingzhou took his three brothers and secretly watched a lot of youthful and dreamy romance movies.

Of course, I also learned a lot of tricks from it.

It's just that he didn't expect that happiness is so similar. The scene of him and Lingdai being happy now has appeared in many youthful and romantic romance movies!
Sure enough, art comes from life, and life is higher than art.

In the future, he will have to read more about the secrets of picking up girls, watch more romantic youth dramas, and learn more tricks and skills. He must hold the heart of his little Lingdai tightly and never let her have a chance to escape. leave his arms.

But three days later, things changed drastically.

Lingdai suddenly received a call from her tribe, saying that both her parents had an accident and died in a car accident!
Lingdai was terrified!

She hurriedly found Xiao Qingzhou, told him about her parents' car accident, and begged him to take her home.

Hearing the news of Ling Yingming and Reli's sudden death, Xiao Qingzhou was also taken aback.

He instinctively felt that this matter must not be simple.

Xiao Qingzhou told Si Kou Yao about this again, and Si Kou Yao asked him to take Ling Dai back immediately, and she would follow in secret.

Si Kouyao also told Xiao Qingzhou to take good care of Lingdai, she is the most vulnerable now, and she can't let Lingdai be wronged anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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