Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 111 Sister-in-law has an order, don't disobey it!

Chapter 111 Sister-in-law has an order, don't disobey it!
If he didn't watch it himself, something would happen.

However, even if Jiang Ruofeng escaped, he alone would not be able to affect the overall situation.

The Jiang family should have fallen, and they still have to fall.

Xiao Chifeng quickly made a few more phone calls, asking them to pay close attention to Jiang Ruofeng's whereabouts, and dig him out even in the remotest corners of the world.

Jiang Ruofeng was like a bereaved dog, after going through many twists and turns, he finally went to a certain country, had plastic surgery to change himself into a different look, and finally got rid of Xiao Chifeng's pursuit.

He has been lurking, waiting for the opportunity to make a comeback.This is for later.

the next day.

The girls from Jue Se Fang began to go home in batches.

After Xiao Chifeng knew what Shen Qingcong was going to do, he appreciated and supported her kind deed very much. He directly applied for two helicopters from China to send these women back, and then asked the local government to arrange people and vehicles To pick up the plane, and then send people home.

Xiao Chifeng's help really saved Shen Qingcong a lot of things.

Shen Qingcong asked the big man in the iron tower, Jinlong, and the handsome wooden dragon to escort them randomly, and repeatedly told them that they must send them home before they could complete the task.

Jinlong and Mulong led the way.

Shen Qingcong and a group of girls couldn't help smiling when they saw the two helicopters full of people flying back in the direction of the Huatian Empire.

The helicopter transported a total of eleven times, and it took a total of three days to finally send all the 108 girls home.

These girls burst into tears when they saw their long-lost relatives.

They were also grateful to Shen Qingcong from the bottom of their hearts, without her rescue, they would not have been able to go home and reunite with their relatives.

These gratitude from the heart condensed into traces of meritorious force, pouring towards Shen Qingcong from all directions.

When Shen Qingcong received the message [mission completed] from the system, Jin Long and Mu Long also came back to report.

The first task was completed so smoothly, Shen Qingcong was naturally very happy.

She praised the golden dragon and the wooden dragon vigorously, and rewarded each of them with a large box of Dali fruit.

Jinlong and Mulong had also obtained two great fruits from Yan Ting before, and the taste was unforgettable once they tasted them. Naturally, they also knew the beauty of the great fruits, and they were still thinking about when they would ask Boss Yan for a few more. ?
Now seeing that Shen Qingcong rewarded each of them with a box so generously, the two big men suddenly grinned happily.

If there is a big fruit reward every time, then the more tasks like this, the better!

Jin Long said to Shen Qingcong with a flattering expression, "Sister-in-law, if you need any help in the future, feel free to ask me, you're welcome!"

Mu Long followed up with a smile and said, "Sister-in-law, you can call me if you need anything, and I will definitely not miss you."

Shen Qingcong saw what they were thinking, and smiled at them, "Don't worry! As long as you follow me and work hard without dissenting, you can eat as much as you want in the future with things like Daliguo."

When Jin Long and Mu Long heard this, they immediately raised their chests and responded loudly, "Everything is under the command and arrangement of my sister-in-law, and my subordinates will never have any different intentions."

Their six dragons of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and wind have already been assigned to Shen Qingcong by Yan Ting, and they will be dispatched directly by her from now on.

Yan Ting also repeatedly confessed to them that if the sister-in-law has an order, she must not disobey it!
Even if you die, you have to complete the task assigned by your sister-in-law first.

(End of this chapter)

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