Chapter 119
Shen Qingcong read the commentary on this top-quality spiritual spring pool, and instantly felt that this spiritual spring pool was tailor-made for her!Otherwise, how could it suit her so much?
She suppressed the joy in her heart and continued with the fourth-level lottery draw.

Shen Qingcong clasped his hands together again, silently making a wish to the spinning lottery roulette, God bless, it would be great if he could draw a piece of land for me this time.

The lottery roulette finally stopped, and a gift jumped out.

Shen Qingcong was dumbfounded when she saw "Ten Mu of Spiritual Land" written on the gift box!
It's really what she thinks, she can come here!

Is it really useful to make a wish on this lottery roulette?

She thought about it further, could there really be any gods and Buddhas silently watching her, a small person in the mortal world?Let her really get everything she wants, and make her wishes come true?

This is so weird too!

If this is the case, is there anything they pictured on her body?
It was another unsolvable question, and she could only wait for time to give her the answer.

Shen Qingcong clicked the [Confirm] button to accept the gift.

After a ray of light flickered, patches of black land instantly formed in the space.

While Shen Qingcong was happy, she was also a little apprehensive.

She looked at the lottery roulette, bit the bullet, and continued to press [Start] to draw the fifth-level prize.

This time, as before, she clasped her hands together and begged silently: Buddha bless, I want a smart and cute pet.

As soon as she finished her wish, the lottery wheel stopped.

A gift box jumped out.

Shen Qingcong raised her eyes and was shocked.

Sure enough, it was the spiritual pet she wanted!
A little white ferret!
Making a wish on the lottery roulette is really useful!

Shen Qingcong called Bai Yan in shock, "Bai Yan, what's going on? Why does this lottery roulette get whatever I want in my heart?"

Bai Yan rolled her eyes, sneered and said with a slight smile, "Everything goes well for you, isn't it good?"

Shen Qingcong sighed, "It's not bad, it's just that I think it's too good, so I feel a little uneasy."

Bai Yan glanced at her, and poked her sore foot, "If you didn't have this system, you would be a poor and ordinary person. What do you have for others to covet?"

When Shen Qingcong heard what he said, her mouth was so poisonous that it made her angry, "Forget it, it's useless to ask you, and I don't bother to ask the bottom line, anyway, you can give me anything, and I won't make a wish. "

Generally speaking, this is indeed a good thing. If she thinks too much, it is nothing but unfounded worry. If something really happens, then wait for it to come, and she will find a way to solve it, and save herself from looking for trouble here .

Shen Qingcong looked at the annotations of Lingtudi again.

Spiritual land can accelerate the growth of plants, and the fruits produced contain the aura of heaven and earth. Monks often eat it to assist in cultivation, and ordinary people can eat it often to be healthy and eliminate all diseases.

The growth time of the spirit land is also 1 year in the spirit land and 1 day in the outside world.

Shen Qingcong looked at the gift box containing the little pet again, and clicked the [Confirm] button again to accept the gift.

After a flash of light, a cute snow-white little ferret rushed towards her in an instant.

Shen Qingcong reached out to catch it, lifted it up, met the little ferret's big black eyes like black gemstones, and couldn't help but asked it with a smile, "Little ferret, you will follow me from now on. Be good!"

The little ferret seemed to understand what she said, so he nodded his head fiercely and grinned at her. His big round eyes smiled into two bright moons, which was very cute.

(End of this chapter)

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