Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1200 Heavy Snow Seals the City 1

Chapter 1200 Heavy Snow Seals the City 1
At this moment, those vines began to crazily attack the barrier set by Xiao Qingzhou.

Xiao Qingzhou squinted his eyes, shook his arms, and bolts of lightning flew from his hands to the barrier, causing all the barriers around the villa to be covered with the power of lightning.

When those crazy vines attacked the barrier, they were all instantly turned into fly ash by the power of lightning.

But they are just like those zombies who have lost their minds, they continue to rush upwards completely regardless of life and death, one dies, another one goes up, and they hit the barrier one after another...

Xiao Qingzhou thought, this must be the man behind the scenes wanting to test it out, where is his bottom line?
Xiao Qingzhou snorted coldly, increasing the control of the power of thunder and lightning.

Didn't the man behind the scenes just want to test his bottom line?
Then he will show those behind-the-scenes masterminds how strong Xiao Qingzhou is!snort!

Xiao Qingzhou stretched his arms again, and the power of thunder and lightning rumbled out, like ripples, with the villa as the center point, quickly flooding all around.

Not only did he spread the power of lightning on the barrier, but all around, within a radius of one kilometer, where his power of lightning passed, all the wildly flying vines were turned into a pile of fly ash in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Xiao Qingzhou's lethality is so strong, the mastermind behind the scenes is probably a little scared.

Those wildly flying vines seemed to be summoned, and slowly receded like a tide.

Everyone looked at it, and Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief.

Only Xiao Qingzhou and Lingdai's eyes became more solemn.

What is the black hand behind the scenes manipulating these vines trying to attack them?
Those crazy vines are retreating now, does that mean they have surrendered?Or do you want to come back again?

Xiao Qingzhou believed that it was mostly the latter.

If this hidden danger is not eliminated, then they may be devoured by these forest monsters every minute when they live in this villa.

How should he get rid of this serious worry?
Xiao Qingzhou ordered the system elf again, "Help me monitor the situation around me at all times, and it's best to find the man behind the vines!"

The system wizard replied, "Yes!"

Si Kouyao also saw the plight of the eldest son from the surveillance, but she had no intention of solving his difficulties for him.

This is just a little difficulty, and she believes that her son will overcome them.

While Xiao Qingzhou was thinking about how to solve it, Si Kouyao's eyes turned to his second son, Xiao Qingguo.

Let's talk about the second child, Xiao Qingguo.

After he was teleported to his destination, he raised his eyes and saw that his eyes were covered with white snow, a continuous stretch of white.

Wherever his line of sight went, he couldn't see any other creatures, nor could he see any other colors.

Xiao Qingguo froze for a moment, then asked, what the hell is this place?

The thought in his mind had just settled down, when he heard the system elves start to issue tasks there.

The system issued a mission: [Ewha City, one kilometer ahead, is frozen by heavy snow, please save all humans trapped by heavy snow!Every time you save an innocent person, you will be rewarded with 1000 face coins + 100 merit points. 】

Coming to the mission so soon?

Xiao Qingguo smiled lightly, and quickly teleported to the mission location designated by the system.

Sure enough, as the system said, after he arrived at the location in an instant, he released his mental power, and he could sense that under the cover of heavy snow, there were many auras that were suddenly strong and sometimes weak...

(End of this chapter)

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