Chapter 121 Qinglong Villa Area

Thinking of this, Shen Qingcong said to Yan Ting, "That's fine, brother Yan, you can send someone to pick me up!"

As soon as Yan Ting heard that she agreed, he immediately said, "Okay, I'll pick you up in person."

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

After Shen Qingcong hung up the phone, she packed up some of her belongings, and then called Qin Chuchu to tell her that she was moving out.

Qin Chuchu wanted to follow her.

But Shen Qingcong said to her, "Chuchu, this Jue Se Fang still needs you, I am going to change this place into a Jue Wei Fang that sells gourmet food, during this time, I will find someone to renovate this place, and you will be in charge of everything here , give me a good look at this place, work hard, and don't let me down."

When Qin Chuchu saw that Shen Qingcong was unwilling to let her follow him, he was filled with disappointment.

But she didn't dare to go against Shen Qingcong's intentions, so she could only nod in response, "Yes, I will work hard, and I won't let the master down."

Seeing her unhappy expression, Shen Qingcong comforted her and said, "Chuchu, as long as you sincerely follow me and work hard, I will not treat you badly!"

Qin Chuchu forced a smile, bowed slightly, "Thank you, master."

Shen Qingcong knew that she had thoughts, but she couldn't change her mind because of her, so she said to her, "Go down! Call me the golden and wooden dragons outside."

Qin Chuchu answered "Yes", then turned and walked out.

Shen Qingcong looked at her somewhat stiff back, knowing that she might be unhappy that he didn't take her away, but she really didn't want to take her away.

At the beginning, she wanted to kill Qin Chuchu, but because she wanted to use her to do things, she was spared. Later, Qin Chuchu, who was controlled by her hypnotism, did not dare not to do things wholeheartedly. No one has been using it.

As long as Qin Chuchu helps her do things well in the future, she will not treat Qin Chuchu badly, but that's all. She said before that it is impossible for her to promote Qin Chuchu after hurting so many girls.

From now on, let Qin Chuchu continue to manage the future Jueweifang. I believe it should be an easy task for her to manage Jueweifang well with her all-round and exquisite means.

As for the future, it depends on Qin Chuchu's performance.

As long as she stops doing bad things and works hard, she can promise her a stable future.

After a while, Jinlong and Mulong walked in.

Jin Long smiled flatteringly and asked, "Sister-in-law, what do you need from us?"

Shen Qingcong nodded, "I'm going to move to the villa in a while, and Yan Ting will come to pick me up, tell the brothers to prepare and come with me!"

Jin Long happily replied, "Yes! I'll go right away! Mu Long, you stay here and watch over your sister-in-law."

Mu Long nodded, "Okay, you can go!"

They can finally go back to base camp!
In that villa area, not only Xiao Chifeng has a villa building, but also Yan Ting and the senior executives of the Qinglong Society all live there.

There are also many brothers there. When they come back there, they are like fish back in the sea, and they don't have to worry about finding someone to chat, play cards and drink.

When they were getting ready, Yan Ting also arrived with his people.

Yan Ting came to pick her up in a stretched Lincoln sedan, followed by a row of black luxury cars. The ostentation was huge, attracting the attention of countless people around.

Shen Qingcong looked at Yan Ting, who was wearing a floral dress and holding a big cigar, and said with a slight smile, "Brother Yan, you are not afraid of attracting snipers from your enemies when you walk around like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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