Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1211 This boy is really beautiful!

Chapter 1211 This boy is really beautiful!
When he was thinking this way in his mind, his action was a step faster than his mind, and with a sound of "baji", he leaned forward and kissed Xiao Yu'er fiercely.

When Xiao Yu'er was kissed by him, she also forgot to be angry, blushed, stared at Xiao Qingxing with anger and anger, stretched out her little pink fist and beat him a few times, "You bad guy, you sneaked up on me again! "

Xiao Qingxing laughed loudly, and didn't hide from her fist, and let her punch her. Anyway, her strength was like tickling him, but he enjoyed it a lot.

After Xiao Yu'er finished acting coquettishly, Xiao Qingxing grabbed her shoulders and summoned the hovering car again, "Baby Yu'er, let's go!"

When Xiao Qingxing was driving the flying car, he let Xiao Yu'er play with Xiao Qinglong in his arms.

Xiao Qinglong was just born, and after playing for a while, he felt tired, curled up into a ball, and fell asleep in Xiao Yu'er's arms.

Seeing Xiao Qinglong sleeping soundly, Xiao Yu'er also felt a little tired, leaning on the chair, and slowly fell asleep with her head tilted.

Xiao Qingxing saw that the dragon was sleepy, so he stopped flying. He found an open grass field in the forest and stopped, wanting Xiao Yuer to wake up before talking.

He also closed his eyes and silently adjusted his breath.

Time passed slowly, the sunset slowly slanted west...

A group of people riding horses and carrying bows and arrows slowly came out of the forest.

When they saw the silver-white hovering car parked on the grass, their eyes lit up.

A teenage boy who looked like an accompanying boy excitedly asked the handsome boy next to him, "Master, what do you think is that?"

The young master also saw the strange looking thing parked on the grass early in the morning.

He also felt strange in his heart, what is this thing?
When they passed here in the morning, there was no such thing!Where did this thing come from?
The young master told the servant, "Xiaozheng, go and have a look!"

Xiaozheng responded, and immediately galloped over and circled the hovering car.

Through the glass window, Xiaozheng saw Xiao Qingxing who was resting with his eyes closed, Xiao Yu'er who was still asleep with his head down, and Xiao Qinglong in Xiao Yu'er's arms.

However, he regarded the little green dragon as a little green snake.

Finally, he stopped in front of the window of the hovering car, jumped off the horse, and tapped on the window lightly.

Xiao Qingxing had woken up a long time ago, but he just didn't bother to talk to these strangers.

But now that everyone has come to him, if he ignores them, it will be impossible.

Xiao Qingxing lowered the car window, raised his eyes to look out, and asked lightly, "What's the matter?"

The lingua franca of the Canglong Continent is also Chinese, and there will be no language barriers for Xiao Qingxing to communicate with them.

The moment Xiaozheng saw Xiao Qingxing's eyes open, she lost her mind for a moment.

This boy is really beautiful!
There is a soul-stirring beauty!
Both men and women will be attracted to him involuntarily!
Xiao Qingxing saw that this young man who was not a few years older than him lost his mind, couldn't help coughing heavily, and asked again, "What's the matter with you?"

Only then did Xiaozheng come back to her senses, a flush flushed on her fair face, and she said to Xiao Qingxing with some embarrassment, "That's right, my young master is Bai Hao from the Bai family in Kyoto. My young master really wants to get to know you, but he is afraid of taking the liberty Coming here made you unhappy, so I specially asked the little one to come and say hello, can he get to know you and make friends?"

(End of this chapter)

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