Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1229 Mommy is too black-bellied

Chapter 1229 Mommy is too black-bellied

By the time Dugu Wenjing got the news and rushed to Bai's house in person, Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er had brought Bai Hao and Bai Ning back to Sikou Palace on Earth through Sikou Yao's space teleportation array.

And after the news spread that the Bai family was favored by Immortal Master Xiao and promoted to a family of cultivators, everyone in the entire Canglong Kingdom envied the good luck of the Bai family.

When Dugu Wenjing learned that Xiao Qingxing had taken a fancy to the royal family and wanted to cooperate with the royal family, but was ruined by the princess acting like a monster, Dugu Wenjing was furious and gave the princess a glass of poisoned wine directly.

Before the eldest princess died, she scolded Xiao Yuer as a slut, and said that she would turn into a ghost to take revenge on Xiao Yuer.

She also viciously cursed Xiao Yu'er, asking her to be separated from Xiao Qingxing for life after life, and she would never be happy forever!
Until she died, she didn't feel that she was wrong!

Wrong, it's someone else!
Let's talk about the fourth child, Xiao Qingchen.

He was teleported by Si Kou Yao to a plane where droughts are everywhere.

He had just gained a firm foothold in this plane when he heard a detailed introduction of the system in his brain.

"Host, this is the Wuyuan Continent. Everyone cultivates martial arts, and the realm of mortals is slightly stronger than other mortal planes. However, due to the drought in March, there is a lack of water everywhere, and the rivers have dried up, causing people to live in poverty, and disaster victims are everywhere."

"Now half of the entire continent has been devoured by drought. If rescue is not implemented immediately, this continent will be destroyed!"

[Now the system officially releases the mission: Ask the host to save all the people trapped by the drought in the Wuyuan Continent!And lead people to find the water source again and resume normal life again!For every person saved, a reward of 1000 face coins + 100 merit points will be given.This is a mandatory task and must be completed within one month!If the task cannot be completed within the time limit, the host will be punished with a hundred electric shocks! 】

The fourth child Xiao Qingchen couldn't help sighing after listening to the host's long speech, "Mommy really understands us, I am a water spirit root, so throwing me to this kind of ghost place for a test is really a way to make the best of your talents. Use it!"

Since it was a mandatory task, the fourth child, Xiao Qingchen, could only resign himself to his fate and move forward.

He didn't use an auxiliary aircraft or a hovering vehicle, but used his mental power to lock on to a village with life fluctuations, then cast a teleportation spell, and teleported towards that place.

He had just landed in the village when he heard the voice of a young girl crying heart-piercingly, "Dad, dad, wake up! Wake up! Dad, dad, dad... "

Immediately afterwards, two more voices that were as small as meowing also started to cry, "Daddy, wake up, wake up, woo woo woo..."

"Daddy, what's the matter with you? What's the matter? Get up quickly! Don't leave us..."

Xiao Qingchen let go of his consciousness and looked over, only to see a thin girl and two skinny little boys kneeling in front of a wooden bed in a dilapidated hut, lying on the bed, almost out of breath. man weeping...

This man is not dead yet! ! !
Xiao Qingchen knows what a man means to a family.

Especially for this broken and poor family with three children, if this man leaves and encounters this drought year, then the family may not be able to survive.

Xiao Qingchen immediately teleported to the man's bedside, and injected a trace of aura into the man.

The spiritual energy entered his body, and the man, who was about to die, slowly opened his eyes again.

(End of this chapter)

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