Chapter 1241 Want to kill someone?
Every guard who can enter the Royal Guard Corps has extraordinary abilities. Basically, they are the kings of soldiers selected by various military regions. After special training, they have mastered the ability to surpass other arms.

They usually have to deal with extremely dangerous elements who assassinate the president and the president's family.

And their methods of dealing with these dangerous elements cannot be regarded as normal.

This skinny old man was taken to a private room by two royal guards.

Just when the royal guards were about to tie him to a stool for interrogation, the skinny old man suddenly exploded.

His movements are so fast that ordinary people can't imagine, even the specially trained royal guards can't stop his move.

The skinny old man kicked left and right, and with lightning speed, he knocked down the two royal guards to the ground in an instant.

His hands shook slightly again, and the extremely strong handcuffs broke into pieces like tofu in his hands, freeing his hands.

The corner of the skinny old man's lips curled into a sneer of disdain, "You scum, you want to deal with me? Hehehe..."

While his laughter was still ringing, he saw a woman with an alluring beauty appear out of thin air in front of him.

The thin old man's laughter stopped abruptly.

Although the other party still had a faint smile when facing him, when the skinny old man saw clearly who was coming, his pupils shrank sharply because of fear.

He hurriedly took a few steps back, turned around and wanted to escape from the window.

But he found that he bumped into an invisible wall.

He rushed out with too much force, and when he was bounced back, he also fell to the ground.

Just as he was about to get up, a foot wearing black boots had already stepped on his chest hard, causing his chest to sag instantly.

The thin old man screamed "Aww" with a headache, he knew that he had fallen into Si Kou Yao's hands, and he would never escape.

He simply raised his hands in surrender and begged Si Kou Yao for mercy, "Fairy, please spare me! Please spare me!"

Si Kou Yao glanced at him lightly, the smile on her lips was still so gentle and intoxicating, "Say it! Who ordered you to come?"

But such a smile, in the eyes of the skinny old man, frightened him like a devil.

His face was as pale as paper, his body was trembling, and his voice stammered because of the trembling, "I, I, no, I can't say it!"

When Si Kouyao saw him like this, she had no interest in pestering him anymore, and directly cast a soul search technique on him.

Just when she performed the soul search technique on the skinny old man, the skinny old man seemed to have been assassinated from a long distance. He suddenly let out a "grunt" sound from his throat, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were also Instantly widened, slightly raised...

just die?
Si Kou Yao's lips curled into a sneer, wanting to kill someone?
Unfortunately, it's too late! ! !
All the things in this skinny old man's mind have been copied by her.

How dare you touch her family?

Hehehe, I really want to die! ! !

This good second uncle of the Xiao family really hides it deeply!
In order to achieve his goal, while pretending to be a good person, he got someone to hook up with his wife. Using the soul-changing technique as an excuse, he asked Yan Silan, a stupid woman, to come out and serve as his spearman.

And the person who really wants to change souls with Zheng Yiling is himself! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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