Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1244 Our hearts are connected forever!

Chapter 1244 Our hearts are connected forever!
People who think they are smart always think others are stupid.

Xiao Nengli and his daughter-in-law Yan Silan are the same, thinking that their behavior has never been noticed, but they don't know that their every move has not escaped the eyes of the Dafang family.

Otherwise, as close relatives like them, how could Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao not support them?

I want to do it to my death, and I really can't blame others for falling into such an end!
After dealing with Xiao Nengli's matter, it was time for the hundreds of millions of citizens of the Huatian Empire to be extremely excited.

News headline: The current president, Xiao Chifeng, is about to abdicate because he wants to ascend to the fairy world.The eldest prince Xiao Qingzhou, who has reached his full age, will officially take over as the president of the Huatian Empire on May 28th!

Such big news shocked the hearts of hundreds of millions of people in the empire.

However, no one questioned Xiao Chifeng's decision.

No one questioned whether Xiao Qingzhou was qualified to take over.

This family is so perfect, and the performance of the eldest prince Xiao Qingzhou has been so impeccable.

In the hearts of hundreds of millions of people in the Huatian Empire, their family has long surpassed the boundaries of mortals, and they are all immortals who are admired and worshiped by everyone.

As long as there are people from the Xiao family, as long as people from the Xiao family are sitting on the presidency, the lives of their people will be better and better.

To be honest, Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao would not be willing to leave Xiao Qingzhou in the lower realm if there is no suitable candidate to take over the position of president.

Xiao Qingzhou had no choice but to stay and manage the Huatian Empire.

They don't want to destabilize the Huatian Empire's political arena after their ascension, and make the common people who have managed to live a good life suffer from the torment of life again.

So, Xiao Qingzhou stayed.

Mu Tingyu and Tang Tiantian's family also stayed temporarily so that Xiao Qingzhou could have a company.

As for the others, they have to follow Si Kou Yao and Xiao Chifeng to ascend to the fairy world, and then open up their new world again.

In the blink of an eye, the day of May 28 arrived.

Si Kouyao looked at her older son who was becoming more mature and stable with eyes full of relief, and gently reached out her hand, caressing his face, "Xiaozhou, Mommy believes in you, you are the best!"

Xiao Qingzhou looked at the mother who was still as beautiful as an eighteen-year-old girl in front of him, and his eyes were also full of admiration.

"Mommy, thank you and Dad for supporting me, and thank you for trusting me. I will work hard! I will definitely not disappoint you and my father's expectations. I will definitely be an outstanding person that everyone loves. And the recognized President!"

Xiao Chifeng also patted him on the shoulder vigorously, "Good job! Son, come on!"

Xiao Qingzhou nodded vigorously.

Several of his fellow countrymen also stepped forward to bless him.

The second child said with a smile, "Brother, congratulations on your success! Thank you for your hard work!"

The third child also smiled and said, "Brother, I'm sorry, we are too lazy, I will leave this important task to you, but if you need help, just tell us, we will do our best to help!"

The fourth brother also smiled and said, "The third brother is right! Big brother, if you need help, you have nothing to say, and the three of us have nothing to say! You are the big brother and charge in front, and the three of us will do the most solid work for you behind." No matter when, no matter where we are, the hearts of our four brothers will always be together!"

(End of this chapter)

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