Chapter 1246 Why Do You Occupy Him?

The little fan group glanced at Bobby who was sitting next to her, and said with a firm face, "I believe in my Bobby, he has made a heart demon vow to be loyal to me for the rest of his life, and will never betray me! Isn't that right, Bobby? Compare?"

Bobby looked at her and smiled softly, "Yes!"

Little Fan Tuan'er was very satisfied when she heard his answer, her Bobby was indeed the most loyal to her, unmatched by anyone!
She asked Lingdai again with a smirk, "Sister-in-law, did my eldest brother swear to you?"

Lingdai smiled and nodded, "Yes!"

Little Fan Tuan'er clapped her hands, "That's it, since the big brother has sworn to you, sister-in-law, you don't have to worry about it in the future! You just wait obediently to be the bride of the big brother! By the way, you will be married next year." Full, do you and your elder brother plan to get married next year?"

Lingdai blushed shyly and said, "I will follow Master's arrangement!"

Si Kouyao also heard the conversation between Xiao Fan Tuan'er and Ling Dai.

She secretly sighed in her heart, how fast this day flies!In the blink of an eye, the kids have grown up, and in a few years, she'll be able to be a grandma...  

But it's nice to watch kids being born, growing up, starting families, and then having children and grandchildren.

Si Kouyao smiled and said to Lingdai, "Dai'er, we will hold a wedding ceremony for you and Xiaozhou when you are full."

Lingdai lowered her head in shame, and replied softly, "I listen to Master!"

At the moment when they were deserting, Xiao Chifeng and Xiao Qingzhou on the stage had finished speaking and performed the handover ceremony.

After the handover is completed, Xiao Qingzhou will take the oath of office.

Then, he has to receive and deal with the reporters of those media, and explain what kind of work he will have after he takes office as president.

Si Kouyao was a little worried at first, but now seeing Xiao Qingzhou deal with it calmly, without being stiff or rusty at all, she secretly praised her son's excellence in her heart.

In the evening, a celebratory dinner for the new president is held in the Great Hall of the Empire.

The giants from the military, political, and business circles, as well as men and women from Sikou Palace and those wealthy families, filled the entire lobby.

Ever since Xiao Qingzhou took the oath of office as president, he never took a breath, and he didn't have time to say a word to Lingdai.

After the dinner party started, he hurried to find his Lingdai.

Not seeing Lingdai in the banquet hall, Xiao Qingzhou used his mental power to search again.

Finally, I found Lingdai in the women's restroom.

At this time, Lingdai was being blocked in the bathroom by several women.

Lingdai indifferently looked at the women in front of her, each of them was wearing heavy makeup and dressed up beautifully, probably trying to attract someone's attention.

Lingdai said softly to them, "Please step aside!"

One of the women raised her chin, stood with her legs apart, and said to Lingdai arrogantly, "Think about it? All right! Get through me, and I'll let you pass, how about it?"

After the woman finished speaking, she smiled coldly.

Her companions also laughed.

Looking at them, Lingdai felt as if she met a group of idiots, "Are you sure you want me to do this? Do you know who I am?"

The woman who took the lead sneered, "Who are you? Aren't you just an orphan with no father or mother? Tell me, how can a woman like you who has nothing but a face occupy our new president? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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