Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 125 Memory Recovery, Sadness Is Unbearable

Chapter 125 Memory Recovery, Sadness Is Unbearable

"Thank you, Aunt Zeng."

"You're welcome, ma'am."

Shen Qingcong followed Yan Ting and walked into the lobby of the villa.

She raised her eyes and looked around. This villa is very spacious and bright, with palace-style decoration, resplendent and resplendent, dazzling crystal chandeliers, classical murals, and polished floors, which made Shen Qingcong fully feel the tyrants of a rich family. taste.

The hall is about [-] square meters, next to it are dining room, nanny room and storage room.

"Ma'am, please drink tea!"

"President, please drink tea!"

Aunt Zeng quickly served them tea and several plates of delicate snacks.

The fragrance of tea overflowed, filling the entire hall.

Shen Qingcong picked up the teacup, took a sip, and sipped it carefully, the mouth was full of sweet fragrance, the mouth was filled with fluid, without any astringency, this is the top grade famous tea Junshan Yinzhen!

After taking a sip, she couldn't help drinking, "Good tea!"

Yan Ting also echoed, "It's really good tea!"

Aunt Zeng was very happy to see Shen Qingcong appreciating her face, and said to her with a smile, "Madam, I made these snacks myself. Try them and see if they are delicious. If Madam has anything you like, you can tell me." Me, I'll do it for Madam!"

Aunt Zeng's appearance is very kind and amiable, and she smiles like a kind mother. Shen Qingcong has a very good impression of her, and seeing that Aunt Zeng treats her sincerely and warmly, Shen Qingcong also smiled kindly at her, "Then I'm not being polite, Aunt Zeng, I will ask you to take care of me in the future."

Aunt Zeng smiled and said, "Madam is too polite. It is my duty to take care of Madam, so there is no need to be polite."

Shen Qingcong smiled at her, took the hot handkerchief that Aunt Zeng had prepared to put on the tea table, wiped her hands, then picked up a piece of white pastry, put it in her mouth, and bit it lightly, it immediately felt crispy and sweet Crisp, with a mouthful of milk flavor.

Shen Qingcong finished eating one piece, smiled at Aunt Zeng, and asked, "Aunt Zeng, is this milk shortbread? It's delicious! It's much better than the shortbread sold outside. Your craftsmanship is really good .”

What she said was not flattering Aunt Zeng, it was really delicious.

She prefers to eat sweets, and also likes to eat snacks. Basically, Gong Chen has bought her everything she likes...

Thinking of Gong Chen, Shen Qingcong's smile suddenly froze on her face.

The next moment, the damaged and sealed memories in her mind poured out like a flood that opened the gate.

The system has been upgraded to seven levels in a row, and her memory has been restored as expected.

But Shen Qingcong was not happy at all, not happy at all.

She remembered that she and Gong Chen were shot and killed at the airport. In order to protect her, Gong Chen held her in his arms until death. Thinking of the scene at that time, Shen Qingcong was instantly distraught and burst into tears.

Yan Ting and Aunt Zeng were taken aback by her sudden sad crying, they both leaned in front of her and asked her eagerly, "Sister-in-law, why are you crying?"

"Madam, let's talk about what's going on, there is a solution to everything, don't cry! If you break your body from crying, how can we explain to the young master!"

"That's right, sister-in-law, you are still pregnant with the young master, don't cry, don't cry, if Boss Xiao thinks that I bullied you, then I will be miserable..."

Listening to their persuasion, Shen Qingcong calmed down slowly, but the sadness in her heart could not be suppressed no matter what, as long as she thought of Gong Chen, her tears kept coming out.

(End of this chapter)

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