Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1262 What should I do if someone commits a crime?

Chapter 1262 What should I do if someone commits a crime?
Si Kouyao released her mental power, and soon found the figures of Mr. Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, and Xiao Fan Tuan'er.

There are more than 40 people in their line, old and young, big and small, and it is still very spectacular to walk together.

Several maids led them, as if they were taking a tour group, explaining to them in detail the origins of various places in the fairy world, and thoughtfully reminding everyone to pay attention to some people or things.

Here in the fairy world is the same as in the mortal world, there are naturally many taboos that cannot be violated casually.

Once you accidentally offend it, even if the master has a strong background, it will be very troublesome to deal with it.

These are all things the housekeeper told them before going out, and they must explain clearly to these masters and distinguished guests, how dare they neglect half a point.

The merchants on the Fairy Market, as well as the immortals and immortals who were also shopping, saw that Xiao Fan Tuan'er and his group were all unfamiliar faces, so they couldn't help asking each other curiously.

"Who are these people? I don't think I've seen them before!"

"Yeah! I also feel quite unfamiliar!"

"Did it migrate from another fairy island?"

"It's possible, but judging by their clothes, they don't even have a piece of fairy clothes, so they must be poor..."

"Well, their clothes are indeed a bit ugly..."

In the Immortal Realm, apart from the central area of ​​the Immortal City where the Immortal Palace is located, there are four major Divine Continents below: the Eastern Divine Continent, the Western Divine Continent, the Southern Divine Continent, and the Northern Divine Continent.

Countless immortals and billions of ordinary immortals live in these four great continents.

Each of the four major divine continents has an Immortal Emperor sitting in charge, and they are responsible for the comprehensive management of the safety, people's livelihood, land, etc. of the immortals and immortals within the jurisdiction.

The place where the fairy palace is located is called "Xiancheng".

This fairy city, like the capital of the mortal empire, is the most prosperous and busiest place, and it is also the place with the most immortals and immortal officials.

People from four continents often come to Xiancheng to play or do business.

Therefore, the immortals or the immortals in the Fairy Market naturally thought that Mr. Xiao and Xiao Fan Tuaner, who were not high in cultivation, were immortals who came to play from the four continents.

Looking at their clothes, they seem to be very ordinary, they are not fairy clothes, even if Xiaofentuan'er and her brothers are good-looking, these merchants in the fairy world think they are not rich, and they don't like them .

When they went to those shops, the guys in each fairy shop were indifferent and didn't bother to greet them.

Mr. Xiao and the others are not ordinary people. As long as they don't insult or drive them out, they will turn a blind eye to these low-minded guys.

After all, they are newcomers, so if they don't cause trouble, it's better not to cause trouble.

However, sometimes, when troubles come, you really can't avoid them, and it's not that if you don't care about them, others will let you go.

Someone is being mean, so what should I do?
Of course it was drawn directly!
Although they wanted to be patient, it didn't mean they were afraid of getting into trouble. If they really wanted to annoy them, they would naturally smoke first!
Here's the thing:

Women, no matter small women, big women, or old women, all have a natural love for jewelry.

Xiao Fan Tuan'er, Xiao Yu'er, Zheng Yiling, and Grandma Xiao saw a jewelry store with quite high-end decoration, so they wanted to go in and take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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