Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1268 Really excited again!Excited again!

Chapter 1268 Really excited again!Excited again!

In the system space, the secret realm planned by Elf Xiaoxiao is in the valley of Xianshan Mountain.

In the fairy valley, the fairy flowers are blooming, and the fragrance of the flowers is charming.

Small bamboo buildings are dotted among the fairy flowers and grass.

There is also a fairy lake next to it. If you are tired from practicing, you can go around the valley and the lake.

Around the valley, a small barrier was set up, unless they had Si Kou Yao's permission, they couldn't get out of the valley.

Each small bamboo building is also equipped with an enchantment, as long as you enter the small bamboo building to practice, you will not be affected by the outside world.

The time ratio inside the small bamboo building is also set according to "one day outside, one year inside".

Si Kou Yao brought everyone in.

Even Xu Bo, Sun Ma, and Xu Jinlai's parents, Si Kouyao let them join the cultivation team, and no one was allowed to fall behind.

Uncle Xu and Mama Sun's family, as ordinary employees, are naturally happy to have the opportunity to practice.

But he was also afraid that his talent was not good enough, he would not achieve any results in cultivation, and that he would be ashamed of Si Kou Yao's cultivation.

Si Kouyao told them to just do their best, and as for the result, let nature take its course and not put too much pressure on them.

Only then did Uncle Xu and Mama Sun breathe a sigh of relief. They had no psychological burden and could go into battle lightly.

After arranging everyone and telling them to practice quickly, Si Kouyao fled to find Xiaoxiao, the system elf.

At this time, Xiao Chifeng and Lao Jiao were already waiting for Si Kouyao in the courtyard of the space.

They are just like Xiaoxiao, excited and excited.

When Xiao Chifeng saw Si Kou Yao, he was so happy that he immediately hugged her, "Yao'er, you are really my lucky star, lucky star! Your upgrade, space upgrade, I also upgrade, it is really great! "

Lao Jiao was also smiling so hard that he couldn't see his teeth.

He also wanted to go forward to thank his master, but seeing Xiao Chifeng hugging his master tightly, he felt embarrassed to go forward and speak.

But he still said to Si Kouyao through sound transmission, "Master, thank you!"

Xiao Xiaofei floated in front of Si Kouyao, and hurriedly stopped her, "Master, go to the fairy mountain and take a look, there are fairy beasts all over the mountain, even if you form an army of fairy beasts, it will not be a problem..."

Si Kouyao hurriedly called Xiao Chifeng and Lao Jiao, "Let's go! Let's go and see together!"

If it is true what Xiao Xiao said, then they don't have to be afraid of anyone in the fairy world.

This is really a cheating game against the sky!

Under a little guidance, Si Kouyao, Xiao Chifeng, and Lao Jiao went to Xianshan to take a look. When they saw that the mountains and plains were full of fairy beasts, they were all dumbfounded!
It is hard to find a fairy beast outside, but the fairy beasts in her space are overflowing.

God!No wonder Xiaoxiao screamed in shock!Now even she was so shocked that she was crying out for God!

Really excited again!Excited again!

Just when Si Kouyao, Xiao Chifeng, and Lao Jiao were too excited to see the spirit beasts in the space, a group of sturdy, handsome and beautiful immortals also ushered in the Fairy Beauty Pavilion.

When they saw Fairy Ziwu and several of her subordinates were seriously injured, their eyes were filled with chill and murderous aura.

One of the beautiful female fairies gritted her teeth and hated, "Who the hell? How dare you touch our people in Xianmei Pavilion? I'm really impatient! Come here and tell us about the situation at that time in detail! One word Don’t miss out!!!”

(End of this chapter)

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