Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1271 Dormant, waiting for the outbreak!

Chapter 1271 Dormant, waiting for the outbreak!
"it is good!"

"well done!"

For this, both Leng Qingjue and Si Kou Yu praised her.

With the support of Leng Qingjue and Si Kou Yu, Si Kou Yao felt at ease.

She quietly waited for the people from the Zi family to come to her door.

But the result surprised her.

People from the Zi family have never come!
Si Kou Yao was even more worried in her heart.

With such a powerful fairy world family as the Zi family, it is absolutely impossible for such a big loss to just swallow their anger and not think of revenge.

Then there is only one possibility, they are brewing a bigger conspiracy.

Perhaps, as Uncle Leng predicted, they were preparing to do something secretly.

If this is the case, then the little fans will not be able to come out.

Among the people who have ascended this time, only she, Xiao Chifeng, the three sons, Qingxu Beast King, and Long Xiao are the ones who have truly reached the realm of true immortals.

And people like Xiao Fan Tuan'er, Xiao Bobi, Ye Tianling, Huo Zhiyuan, Dong Xihe, Xu Jinlai, and Yan Ting were all in the Alchemy Realm or Nascent Soul Realm.

Elders like Mr. Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, Xiao Dingtian and Zheng Yiling's cultivation was even worse.

If it wasn't for Si Kou Yao's favor, they wouldn't have had the chance to ascend to the Immortal World at all.

Their cultivation base is only a little better than ordinary immortals in the fairy world.

If you really want to fight against others, you will only be crushed.

But now, only she, Xiao Chifeng, and Lao Jiao have rushed to the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Si Kouyao really couldn't figure out what level Qingxu Beastmaster and Long Xiao's strengths were. They felt that their energy was much stronger after they entered the fairy world.

If the Zi family really summoned the Qi people to kill them, I'm afraid they might not be able to stop them.

Fortunately, the Zi family was still afraid of the ancestor Hongjun standing behind Si Kouyao, so they didn't directly use the ultimate move.

This also gave Si Kou Yao a buffer time, allowing those disciples to grow up quickly.

Although the Zi family didn't move, Si Kouyao didn't dare to take it lightly.

She let everyone, including Xiao Chifeng, live in the space.

She also simply ran to the ancestral hall to live with Si Kou Yu and Na Lanyan.

If Si Kou Yao came to live here, Si Kou Yu and Na Lanyan were not happy, even Patriarch Hongjun was too happy.

Because when Si Kou Yao came, he not only had good wine to drink, but also good food to eat.

Si Kouyao, the person in charge of the Space-Time Administration, usually monitors and assigns the people below to work through the system mastermind. If it is not necessary, she does not need to report to the Space-Time Administration.

She stayed in the ancestral hall every day, went into the space to practice with them at night, cooked food, brewed wine, and chatted with her parents during the day.

Such a day, in Si Kou Yao's view, was extremely beautiful and extremely happy.

But the members of the Zi family gritted their teeth with hatred.

They really didn't expect that Si Kouyao's background would be so big, and she would even live in the old ancestral hall, making them dare not even fight back.

Such a big mouthful of old blood has been held back in the hearts of the Zi family.

This incident was like a thorn in their throats, making them unable to swallow or spit out, so they could only choke, hurt, and hate...

Especially the Ziwu Fairy who was injured before, she can't wait to smash the little fan to ashes.

She also thought about Qingxu Beast King, and wanted to subdue this incomparably beautiful man and take him over to be her husband-in-law.

 ps: Don't rush to update, the text has entered the final stage, and it will be over soon...

(End of this chapter)

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