Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1282 The Powerful Showdown That Shocked the Immortal World 1

Chapter 1282 The Powerful Showdown That Shocked the Immortal World 1
Back home, Si Kouyao called everyone together again, and recounted the game that was discussed with the Zi family in Xiangong today.

Finally, she said, "Each of you may be on stage, so I want to take advantage of the last fifteen days to let you go to the secret valley to retreat and practice, and try to improve your cultivation to the peak! status, do you have any comments?"

Everyone replied, "No!"

They also want to beat the Zi family to the ground, so as not to come out and make trouble again.

By the way, I also warn those self-righteous people in the fairy world, the people of the Xiao family, are not easy to mess with!
Si Kou Yao smiled and said, "Since everyone has no objections, let's enter the secret realm! I will go in together!"

After finishing speaking, Si Kouyao moved them all into the secret valley of space, and asked them to go to their own small bamboo buildings to practice according to the previous allocation.

She and Xiao Chifeng, as the main force of the Xiao family, still practiced in the Lingquan Pool.

The power of the fairy in the Lingquan Pool is the strongest, and it seems to be inexhaustible forever. It is really amazing.

Fifteen days outside, 15 years in space.

Even if the cultivation of these people did not break through the big realm, at least most of them advanced a small level, and some even advanced two small levels.

It took them a full fifteen days to come out after retreating.

This day is the day of the game.

And in the past half a month, Si Kouyao, who was in retreat, also learned about the situation in the fairy world from the system elf Xiaoxiao.

The fact that their Xiao family, who had just arrived not long ago, was going to have a duel with the Zi family had already spread in the entire fairy world.

According to the situation monitored by the system, Fairy Ziyun's husband, Immortal Ma Huaguang, one of the four marshals of the Immortal Palace, also said that he wanted to avenge his wife.

Zisu Fairy's husband, Jinhua Xianjun, the eldest son of Jin Changhong, the Eastern Shenzhou Immortal Emperor, also said that he wanted to avenge his wife.

It means that there are already two immortals on their Zi family side.

And those old guys from the Zi family, I don't know if they will go out for this battle?
This point is not monitored by the system.

The venue for today's competition between Xiao and Zi will be Yanwu Square in Kyoto.

Before setting off, Si Kou Yao put on a set of battle armors that she refined for each of them, all of which are top-level battle armors of the fairy level, with super strong defense power, and it is difficult for ordinary monks of the same level to break through the fairy armor defense.

Si Kouyao also told them, "Hide the celestial armor in your clothes, so as not to be exposed outside, so that the Zi family will be more on guard, and they will use a unique move!"

After the preparations were complete, all the capable members of the Xiao family and his party teleported towards the Yanwu Square.

Mr. Xiao and the others, who are not strong enough in combat, still stay in the secret valley of space and continue to practice.

When Si Kouyao and his group of more than 30 people arrived, the Yanwu Square was already crowded with people, noisy and lively.

People from the Zi family have also arrived.

The battle of their Zi family was bigger, there were about 70 to [-] people who came.

The number of people stabilizes them, but they don't know how strong they are?

Si Kouyao immediately asked Xiao Xiao to test their combat effectiveness.

In less than a minute, Xiaoxiao reported back, "Master, they have four immortals, ten Daluo Jinxians, and the remaining 1 are real immortals. If they are fighting alone, there is nothing to be afraid of. But if they want to attack in groups , then our side may suffer..."

(End of this chapter)

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