Chapter 129 He Builds Her a Home
The driver of the car was startled by her sudden scream, his heart skipped a beat, his hand holding the steering wheel shook suddenly, the car almost deviated from the direction, the driver quickly recovered his mind and drove seriously.

And when Xiao Chifeng saw Shen Qingcong falling asleep, he suddenly waved his hands and yelled in horror, so he knew that she must be having a nightmare!

He hugged her quickly, patted her on the back, and coaxed her softly, "Song Cong Cong, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here, everything will be fine, be good, be good, don't be afraid , don't be afraid..."

I don't know if his voice played a soothing effect, but Shen Qingcong really quieted down very quickly.

After a while, Shen Qingcong slowly opened her eyes.

Those eyes, as black as the night sky, looked at his face blankly, as if they were out of focus, she tilted her eyes slightly, and her eyes regained their clarity.

She thought of everything in her dream, and immediately buried her face in his arms, hugged him tightly, and said with a sob, "Achi, I dreamed about Gong Chen just now. He died so badly, so badly. But I can only watch him die in front of me, I am so sad, so sad, I feel as if I am about to suffocate, woo woo..."

Xiao Chifeng felt her pain and sadness, so he could only comfort her in a low voice, "Song Cong, stop talking! Stop talking! It's not your fault! It's those damned scum! Don't worry, those people, I No one will be let go! I will definitely make them pay a huge price and pay for Gong Chen's life!"

Hearing what Xiao Chifeng said, Shen Qingcong sat up immediately, looked up at him with tears in his eyes, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, and asked him, "Ah Chi, who did it?"

Xiao Chifeng caressed her face gently, wiping away the tears on her face, "It's Jiang Qiming's killer sent by that old fox. I've already had him and his henchmen arrested. He won't live long, and the Jiang family won't let him die." Ruined!"

Shen Qingcong said bitterly, "It's really cheap for him!"

Xiao Chifeng kissed her, "Okay, I will do all these things, you have to take good care of your body now, don't forget, you still have our little baby in your stomach."

The gentle look on his face surprised the driver even when he saw him.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed what others said. The always ruthless Young Master Xiao would have such a soft side.

The car slowly circled into a street with few pedestrians.

Finally, he entered an antique garden and stopped in front of a building with carved beams and painted buildings.

The driver opened the door, and Xiao Chifeng carried Shen Qingcong out of the car.

He directly carried her into the house, walked into his bedroom, placed her gently on the big bed, and asked her softly, "Songcong, do you want to take a bath first to calm down?"

Shen Qingcong was feeling greasy all over, so she nodded directly when she heard his words, "Okay!"

"Then wait a minute, I'll get you the bath water."

Xiao Chifeng turned around and went into the bathroom again. While putting bath water for her, he turned around and came out, and poured her another cup of warm water, "Come on, drink some water first."

Shen Qingcong took a few sips, then stopped drinking, raised her eyes and asked him, "Where is this?"

Xiao Chifeng smiled at her, "Our home!"

"our home?"

A trace of longing flashed in Shen Qingcong's eyes.

She has always longed for a warm home that belongs to her.

In this family, there will be people she loves, there will be their children, and it will be full of joy and happiness.

 PS: Ask for tickets, please collect!

(End of this chapter)

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