Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1297 Countdown to the Finale 9

Chapter 1297 Countdown to the Finale 9
At the same time that Shen Qing killed Hei Ba's wife, Long Xiao also punched Hei Ba's head off...

This couple, who have been rampant for many years and have done many evil things, and their precious son, are finally on the road together!

Those dragon clans watching, seeing this domineering family finally put to death, felt inexplicably complicated besides being secretly refreshed.

They looked at Long Xiao in surprise and fear, wondering what Long Xiao would do to them next?Will it kill them too?
The elders of the Dragon clan who came over couldn't help but let out a long sigh when they saw that the three members of Heiba's family had died under Long Xiao's hands.

They glanced at each other, and then Qiqi walked up to Long Xiao, knelt down respectfully towards Long Xiao, lowered their heads, and shouted in unison, "Welcome the young master Hui!"

In fact, they had been watching the show for a long time. If they hadn't seen how powerful Long Xiao was now, they would not have lowered their noble heads, knelt down and surrendered to Long Xiao, and said they welcome him back to his family.

Long Xiao also understood this in his heart, and couldn't help but secretly sneered.

Back then, Hei Ba killed his parents, and in the end he was surrounded and killed by the Black Dragon, but these elders stood by and turned a blind eye.

In the end, they really let the evil dragon Heiba ​​take the position of patriarch, which made Long Xiao completely chill with these clan dragons.

Fortunately, they saw a strong man like him from the Dragon Clan. The elders of the clan naturally had fantasies in their hearts. They hoped that Long Xiao could lead the dragons of the clan to advance together, become stronger together, and let the dragons decline more and more. With the Dragon Clan, the prospects can become even brighter.

When I'm down, you ignore me.

Now that I'm healed, you're rushing to please me.

How can there be such a beautiful thing in this world?
Several elders begged Long Xiao again, "Young master, please come back to the clan with us!"

But Long Xiao shook his head resolutely, "No! My revenge has been avenged, so I won't go back with you! Clan elders, there will be a period later!"

As he spoke, he put the dragon corpse of Heiba's family of three into the storage ring.

What Si Kou Yao said just now is correct, the dragon corpses of this family are all good treasures for refining weapons and alchemy, and they cannot be thrown here to waste.

Killed his parents, but also want to die in peace, go dreaming!

Seeing that Long Xiao was really about to leave, one of the clan elders hurriedly called out to Long Xiao, stopped in front of Long Xiao and said, "Young Master, don't you want to go and see the old Patriarch and his wife's?" A cemetery?"

Long Xiao's body shook violently.

He looked fixedly at the clan elder, and asked with a choked voice, "My parents... and the cemetery?"

The clan elder nodded vigorously, "Yes! Of course there is! Back then, the old Patriarch and his wife were killed by the black bully, and he wanted to burn the remains of the old Patriarch and his wife. It was our clan elders who tried their best to dissuade them. That’s why the old Patriarch and his wife were buried in peace. Young Master, since you’re back, you’re going to offer a stick of incense to the old Patriarch and his wife, right?”

Long Xiao nodded immediately, "If my parents have a cemetery, of course we should pay homage to them! Clan elder, please lead the way!"

Seeing that Long Xiao had finally softened, the clan elders hurriedly said to him, "Young master, please follow me!"

Long Xiao called Shen Qing, Si Kouyao and the others to follow behind the clan elders, and walked towards the clan land of the Long clan.

Wherever they went, there were curious dragons watching their group...

(End of this chapter)

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