Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1299 Countdown to the Finale 11

Chapter 1299 Countdown to the Finale 11
"We really hope that the young master can inherit the will of the old Patriarch, and hope that you can stay and lead our Dragon Clan to a more prosperous and brilliant tomorrow. Young master, please, stay!"

Several clan elders of the dragon clan also pleaded together, "Young master, I beg you, please stay!"

"Young master, I beg you, please stay!"

Long Xiao didn't make a sound.

In his mind, at this moment, he remembered the words his father had said to him.

His father once said to him with great ambition: "Xiao'er, do you believe that the dragon clan will definitely grow stronger under the hands of the father?"

At that time, my father was still young, full of hope for life, and full of passion and courage to fight.

At that time, he was still young.

He looked at his high-spirited father with admiration, nodded his head, and said to his father in a very affirmative tone, "Xiao'er believes in father! Xiao'er's father is the most powerful!"

My father laughed happily when he heard his words, "Hahaha, good boy, when you grow up, work hard with Weifu to make our dragon clan stronger and more beautiful, okay? ?”

He responded crisply, "Okay!"

Father's laughter is still in my ears.

But now, his old man has been dead for more than ten years, and it is no longer possible to push the Dragon Clan to a higher peak with his son.

The Dragon Clan always watched Long Xiao remain silent for a long time, and continued to persuade them anxiously, "Young Master, the hearts of the Dragon Clan have been dispersed as soon as the old Patriarch left. We moved out, and now that Heiba ​​is dead, our dragon clan has no leader, and it is a waste of time! Young master, you are now the number one powerhouse of our dragon clan, and you are the hope of our dragon clan! We really give up all hope now! It is entrusted to you. Young master, I beg you, please stay! Young master, young master..."

The mournful pleas of the elders of the Long clan and several elders, and thinking of his father's will, Long Xiao felt a little shaken in his heart.

That's right!He really wanted to fulfill his father's last wish, but when he thought about how these clansmen had stood by and watched when his parents and him lived and died, he couldn't bear it in his heart.

Seeing that the two sides were at a stalemate, Shen Qing came out to smooth things over. She tugged on Long Xiao's sleeve and said to him in a soft voice, "Ah Xiao, this is where you were born, why don't we just stay here for a few days. Let's take a look at the surrounding scenery, shall we?"

Si Kou Yao also smiled and agreed, "Yes! I think the mountains and rivers here are beautiful. There are so many of us, it's not easy to come here. Lord Dragon King, please show us around!"

Long Xiao reluctantly nodded, "Okay! We'll just stay here for a few days, clan elder, there are so many of us, is there any problem?"

When the elder of the Dragon Clan heard that they wanted to stay, he immediately smiled and narrowed his eyes, "No problem, no problem, there are plenty of palaces in the Dragon Palace to live in, not to mention dozens of people, even hundreds of people!"

With a serious face, Long Xiao nodded slightly, "Go back first and have someone clean up the Dragon Palace. I'll show them around here first!"

The elder of the Dragon Clan quickly responded, "Yes, yes, we will go back and clean up! Young master, you have fun, if you have something, you can call us directly."

Long Xiao waved at them.

The elders of the Dragon Clan quickly retreated with a happy smile on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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