Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1304 Countdown to the Finale 16

Chapter 1304 Countdown to the Finale 16
The little girl stood up first, and replied, "Aunt Fairy, my name is Gu Xihua, I am almost eight years old this year, and my father's name is Gu Jingshan..."

When Long Xiao heard this, he shouted suddenly, "Wait!"

When he shouted in a deep voice, not only the children were frightened, but even Shen Qing was startled.

She turned her head to look at Long Xiao with a serious face, and couldn't help asking, "Ah Xiao, what's wrong with you?"

Long Xiao waved his hand at her, signaling her to wait a while.

He looked at Gu Xihua again, and asked directly, "Little girl, you just said that your father is Gu Jingshan?"

Gu Xihua nodded, "Yes!"

Long Xiao frowned thickly, looking at Gu Xihua, who was all dirty and ragged, and thin as a bamboo pole, felt pain in his heart as if he had been pricked by a needle...

He immediately asked again, "What about the other person? Where is he now? Why did he leave you alone?"

Gu Xihua heard the concern in his words, and immediately felt as if she had met a relative, her heart was warm and wronged, and her eyes were red.

She choked up and replied, "My father and my mother... were killed by the black dragon three years ago!"

Long Xiao's heart tightened, his hands clenched into fists, suppressing the anger in his heart, and asked in a deep voice, "Then why did the black dragon kill your father and mother?"

Gu Xihua replied, "I overheard Heilong scolding my father saying that my father shouldn't single-mindedly support any young master, as long as he belongs to the young master, he will kill them all if he refuses to be tamed. Do not stay……"

After hearing this, Long Xiao felt suffocated again.

That damn black dragon!I really deserve to die!

This Heiba ​​family not only harmed them, but also refused to let go of those clansmen and friends who had a good relationship with them, it was so vicious!

Gu Jingshan is a human being, younger than Long Xiao.

He was an orphan brought back by Long Xiao's parents when they traveled abroad.

Gu Jingshan has lived in Long Xiao's house for several years, and has always been Long Xiao's playmate and accompanying student.

Gu Jingshan has a good temper and is good at reading people's eyes, so the relationship between him and Gu Jingshan has always been very good.

Later, he and Gu Jingshan grew up.

His father saw that Gu Jingshan was witty and flexible, so he secretly funded Gu Jingshan to open an intermediary shop similar to modern foreign trade in the dragon's square market, and let Gu Jingshan be in charge of human and dragon supplies, and other business contacts and exchanges.

Gu Jingshan has been doing very well, his business is thriving, and he is very much appreciated and trusted by his father.

When their accident happened, Gu Jingshan had just married his wife.

At that time, neither Gu Xihua nor his younger brother Gu Xiaohui were born yet.

Now seeing Gu Xihua and the others reduced to such a state, and becoming orphans without father or mother, Long Xiao blamed himself very much.

They are all dragged down by their own family!

Long Xiao held back the anger in his heart, took another look at the other five children, and asked Gu Xihua, "Then who are these children? Are they orphans too?"

Gu Xihua pulled Gu Xiaohui who was standing on the side watching them talking, and introduced to Long Xiao and Shen Qing, "This is my younger brother, named Gu Xiaohui. Xiaohui, say hello to Aunt Fairy and Teacher Fairy."

Gu Xiaohui blinked, then smiled shyly at Long Xiao and Shen Qing, and then called out crisply, "Hello, Aunt Fairy! Hello, Uncle Fairy!"

Shen Qing smiled and reached out to touch his head, "Good boy!"

Gu Xihua then introduced several other children to Long Xiao and Shen Qing, "Their parents were originally the bosses of Fangshi, and the Black Dragon wanted to occupy Fangshi, and he killed all the human bosses who resisted him... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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