Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1306 Countdown to the Finale 18

Chapter 1306 Countdown to the Finale 18
Gu Xihua hugged Shen Qing tightly, losing control of her emotions, she couldn't help crying.

After all, she was just a child under the age of eight. In the past three years, her parents were killed suddenly. The two of them, like stray dogs, ran around looking for food, and suffered all kinds of bullying and contempt.

But she didn't even have time to cry, so she could only be strong and try her best to protect her brother from starvation and cold.

And her strength also allowed her to survive year after year, and she even picked up a few more children to live with.

Although I managed to survive, the tiredness, hardship, and grievance accumulated in my heart piled up more and more...

But at this moment, crying, her emotions collapsed, as if she wanted to vent all the grievances she had suffered in these years and the pain suppressed in her young heart.

Listening to her heart-piercing crying voice, Shen Qing couldn't help her eyes turn red, and kept comforting her, "Xiao Hua, be good, don't cry, don't cry..."

Smelling the fragrance emanating from Shen Qing's body, feeling the warmth brought by Shen Qing, and listening to Shen Qing's gentle and caring voice, Gu Xihua felt for the first time that there are still people in this world who can give her love like a mother. Endless care and warmth.

When Gu Xiaohui and his children saw their eldest sister crying, they started crying too, shouting, "Sister..."

"elder sister……"

"elder sister……"

The sound of the group of children crying together instantly startled everyone who was grilling and eating meat on the grass, and they all ran towards this side.

The conversation between Shen Qing and Long Xiao and these children just now was not hidden from others.

Anyone who paid attention to them heard them all.

Seeing this scene, Si Kouyao also sighed softly, and said to Shen Qing, "Sister Qing, take them to our side first! When we go back later, we can take them back together to resettle them. It’s just a few more children, and it doesn’t cost much money, and you can do good deeds, what do you think?”

Shen Qing nodded with a smile, "I discussed it with Long Xiao just now, we decided to stay with the Dragon Clan for the time being, first help the Dragon Clan to rectify, and then decide where to live!"

Si Kou Yao smiled and said, "You guys just stay here! Anyway, this is also Long Xiao's hometown, and besides, this is at least within the scope of the fairy world. It's easier for us sisters to get together, right?"

Shen Qing smiled and nodded, "You are right! Let's see the situation then!"

In fact, she also has deep feelings for the orc plane.

After all, every plant, tree, brick, and tile there was built by her with others, just like a child who has been cared for by herself. If she just abandons it like this, no matter how she thinks about it, she will feel distressed ah!
When she and Long Xiao left, she didn't bring her adoptive father Shen Rui with her because she thought she would go back to the Dragon Clan for revenge with Long Xiao.

She passed the throne of the orc plane to her adoptive father, Shen Rui, and asked him to take care of the orc plane on his behalf.

Although there is a plane communicator to contact her now, it's like going back to her mother's house. If she has time, she still wants to go back to see her adoptive father.

However, no matter what, she still wanted to focus on Long Xiao.

Although it is a pity and distressed to give up the orc plane, she has the system space, and no matter where she goes, she has the ability to create another world she likes.

(End of this chapter)

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