Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1312 Countdown to the Finale 24

Chapter 1312 Countdown to the Finale 24
Lingdai felt a little unbelievable.

They were really together last night?

Thinking of the happiness they had when they were together last night, Lingdai blushed again with shame.

She couldn't think about it anymore, if she continued to think about it, she would die of shame.

When she got into Xiao Qingzhou's arms, Xiao Qingzhou also slowly opened his eyes, stroking her delicate back, feeling the irresistible touch of fingertips, and the happiness in Xiao Qingzhou's heart also It's overwhelmed.

When Ling Dai was not paying attention, he kissed her again, "Dai Dai, I love you..."

Lingdai also kissed him back, and replied shyly: "I love you too..."

The two struggled again, Xiao Qingzhou whispered to Ling Dai: "Dai Dai, sleep a little longer."

Lingdai let out a soft "um" and fell into a deep sleep.

Xiao Qingzhou got up and worked here in Seven Star Garden. He didn't have a meeting today, so he asked his personal secretary Wei Lin to send the documents for him to sign and issue at home.

After finishing the official business, Xiao Qingzhou sent a message to Si Kouyao to have a holographic chat with his dearest mother.

Looking at the still young and beautiful Mummy in the transparent light curtain, Xiao Qingzhou smiled and shouted, "Mummy..."

Looking at her son with a happy smile, Si Kouyao couldn't help joking with him, "Xiaozhouzhou, it was Lingdai's birthday last night, did you do something bad?"

Xiao Qingzhou smiled softly, "Isn't this what Mommy has been looking forward to! I'm also working hard to let Mommy upgrade you to be a grandma as soon as possible!"

When Si Kouyao heard this, she quickly waved her hands, "Don't, don't, I don't want to be a grandma so soon. You two are still young, so you can enjoy the beautiful life in the world of two."

Xiao Qingzhou deliberately smiled and asked, "What if we want to have a baby?"

Si Kouyao also smiled at him, "As long as you two are ready to be parents, you can give birth as soon as you want. Mommy has no opinion at all. It's all based on your wishes. Mommy and your father I absolutely respect your opinions and will not interfere with your lives."

Xiao Qingzhou smiled, "Let's go with the flow! By the way, Mommy, I want to marry Lingdai. Can you and Dad help us choose an auspicious day?"

Si Kou Yao smiled at him, "We have already picked the auspicious dates for the zodiac, and we are waiting for you to speak! One is September 9th, and the other is November 9th, which one do you choose?"

As expected by Si Kou Yao, Xiao Qingzhou chose the former without hesitation, "Just September 9!"

Si Kouyao nodded, "Okay, then September 9th, it's a good day, and it will last for a long time. Your dad and I will go to the realm in a few days to help you prepare for the big wedding!"

Xiao Qingzhou smiled and nodded, "Okay! Then we'll wait, Mommy, thank you!"

Si Kouyao looked at her outstanding eldest son, and said with some emotion, "Oh, son, I am obviously marrying a daughter-in-law, why do I feel like I am going to marry a daughter, why do I feel so reluctant!"

Xiao Qingzhou comforted her softly, "Mum, you really think too much. My son is here, and Lingdai is here. We will never leave. We will always be your son and daughter-in-law, and will always be around you and your father." At the knees of the family, our family enjoys the happiness of a family relationship!"

Si Kou Yao sighed softly, "Okay! I was thinking too much!"

The mother and son chatted for a while, then cut off the call.

After Lingdai woke up, Xiao Qingzhou told Lingdai the good news that her mother had fixed their wedding date and that they would be back in a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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