Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 1322 No wonder he is so powerful!

Chapter 1322 No wonder he is so powerful!

She smiled at Long Xiao.

Long Xiao also smiled back at her.

Only then did Shen Qing realize that when this man actually smiled, he looked very good-looking and the sun was shining brightly.

She is actually a lucky person, right?
As soon as he came to the orc world, he met a wild and cool guy like him.

Moreover, it just so happened that he was still a single dog, so he took advantage of her.

Well, in the end, she had an exciting adult game with him, which successfully broke her first time and made her experience the joy of being a woman.

The optimist Queen Shen Qing suddenly thought about it.

Since God sent her here, gave her a handsome guy, and gave her a golden finger like a system, then she can live well here!
As for what will happen in the future?
Only one step, one step at a time.

Maybe, God has eyes, and when the opportunity comes, she will have the opportunity to return to modern times.

At this time, Shen Qing just held a sliver of hope, thinking of this to comfort herself.

She also never imagined that in the future, she would really have the opportunity to use Si Kou Yao's power to return to the familiar earth many times to attend various banquets.

Shen Qing waved to Long Xiao, "Come and chat with me!"

Long Xiao sat down next to her, "Ask!"

Although Shen Qing had just met him for a day or two, she seemed to know him right away, as if she knew what he was thinking.

She is not polite to him either, since she has decided that if she wants to stay with this man forever in this world, she must understand his situation thoroughly.

Shen Qing asked him, "What's your name?"

When this question was asked, Queen Shen Qing couldn't help but blush even though she had a thick skin.

It's a bit silly and bold to ask someone's name after sleeping with someone else in this bed!

Long Xiao replied, "Long Xiao, Dragon Clan!"

Shen Qing was stunned for a moment before realizing that she was shocked, "You, are you from the Dragon Clan?"

Long Xiao nodded and pointed to the sky, "It's the dragon clan in the sky! I fell here because of an accident. What about you? You also fell from the sky?"

This is the first time he has said such a long word.

He turned out to be a dragon descended from the sky?
No wonder he is so powerful!

Shen Qing thought about what he said later, and was startled again, "How do you know that I fell from the sky?"

Long Xiao grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth, "When you fell, I was the one who caught you, otherwise, you'd be smashed into meatloaf!"

Only then did Shen Qing realize that he saved her in this way!
At that time, she was hit in the head by a meteorite from the sky, and she passed out in a coma.

Probably the meteorite smashed through the void again, and that's why it brought her here?

And it was such a coincidence that he was caught by Long Xiao, this is really a fate from heaven!
Long Xiao also asked her, "What about you?"

Shen Qing replied with a smile, "My name is Shen Qing. As you said, I also fell from the sky. The place I am in is called the Earth..."

Shen Qing told Long Xiao about the human environment of the earth and some other special things.

Long Xiao also told her about the things about the Dragon Clan in the Heaven Realm.

Neither of them kept any secrets from the other, and they fully explained their situation to each other.

What moved Shen Qing and Long Xiao was that their emotional world was blank.

They were both each other's first loves, each other's first time.

Shen Qing laughed happily, everything between him and her seemed to be predestined, it was so beautiful!

(End of this chapter)

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