Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 133 Who poured dirty water on them? 1

Chapter 133 Who poured dirty water on them? 1
Those who came to Gong Chen's memorial service today included representatives sent by the military, Gong Chen's comrades-in-arms, Gong's father, Gong's mother, and Gong Chen's younger sister, Gong Xin.

When Xiao Chifeng and Shen Qingcong walked into the Evergreen Hall side by side, they attracted the attention of everyone present.

And when everyone present saw Shen Qingcong crying uncontrollably and being comforted silently by Xiao Chifeng in his arms, they all questioned in their hearts, who is this woman?Gong Chen died, why is she so sad?
It's no wonder that everyone doesn't know Shen Qingcong. The existence of Qingcong has always been kept secret. Before she had an intimate relationship with Xiao Chifeng, she was usually just like any girl in this great world. She only studied hard tirelessly. Enrich themselves.

The only goal of Qingcong is to learn more knowledge and get admitted to university.

Even she herself didn't expect that Xiao Chifeng, who had been waiting for her to grow up after she had finally been admitted to university, picked her this flower directly.

Immediately afterwards, she was murdered by the Jiang family, got into a car accident, found out that she was pregnant, and was attacked by killers when she went abroad. These things happened one after another, like a domino effect, giving Qingcong a chance to catch her breath nothing.

She can only pull herself together and cope with all these changes.

And she had worked hard for several years and was finally admitted to Kyoto University, so Xiao Chifeng could only send someone to take a leave of absence from school, thinking that she would make plans after giving birth to a child.

Because Gong Chen has been taking care of Shen Qingcong on the bright side all these years, some neighbors have misunderstood whether Shen Qingcong is Gong Chen's girlfriend?

Under Gong Chen's explanation, they knew that Gong Chen was entrusted by a friend to take care of Shen Qingcong. Later, they saw that Gong Chen was not with Qingcong often, and the two of them had no intimate behaviors and behaviors, so those people let go Suspect.

But now, Shen Qingcong's very sad and sad abnormal behavior made many people present suspicious.

Even Gong Chen's younger sister, Gong Xin, noticed the difference in Shen Qingcong.

Of course, Gong Xin's attention was more attracted by the noble and domineering Xiao Chifeng who Shen Qingcong leaned on.

Gong Xin felt that Xiao Chifeng was like a luminous body, she just forgot to cry after just one glance, she just stared blankly at Xiao Chifeng, unable to look away for a long time, only feeling her heart beating " Boom boom" to jump wildly.

This man is so handsome!so cool!
He is the male god she has always longed for in her heart!

Moreover, this man knew that he was of extraordinary background, but he didn't know who he was?
However, if he can come to his brother's memorial service, he must have something to do with him. Then, she will ask who he is, and see if there is a chance to know him?

A trace of fantasy was born in Gong Xin's heart.

If only she could stay in the capital, she would have a chance to see him again in the future!
Although Xiao Chifeng gave the Gong family a pension of 200 million before, Gong's father, Gong's mother, and Gong Xin did not know Xiao Chifeng.

Xiao Chifeng had been with Shen Qingcong in the delta before, and he had been using his mobile phone to remotely command his subordinates to do things. Even the 200 million that Xiao Chifeng gave to Gong's parents and mothers, he entrusted his subordinates to do it.

And when the two of them came in, even if there were people who knew Xiao Chifeng, no one dared to greet him loudly from a distance in a place like the mourning hall, which could only mourn and cry in silence, and at most nodded to him.

(End of this chapter)

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